Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six - Vim - Lumen's Society

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      The Society was now worried. Genuine fear could be heard in their voices. Concern was blatant on their expressions as they debated with one another. Even Tosh, the man who had gone inward and become unresponsive was sitting upright and attentive. He had not spoken, but his eyes were hard and wandering around. He knew what was going on around him, for likely the first time in decades.

A stark contrast to the conversation and demeanor's during our last few voting sessions.

"Is this master here? In Lumen? How long has such a predator been here, amongst these walls? Why have none of us sensed them? Why has no one noticed? We've been living within the territory of such a monster? This whole time?" Herra asked the group.

"Vim, please, you have to save them. To be eaten by our own..." Magdalena shook her head, tears in her eyes. She was nearly begging me. If I didn't say something they'd vote to send me out there right now, no matter the cost.

Her request hadn't been the first, after all. Most had the same desire. Most were thinking the same thing.

They no longer feared for their own selves, but for the innocent ones suffering under that predator's rule.

I could not blame them for wanting to help them. After all, most of the ones here had similar pasts. Merit especially. Yet for as much as they pitied Fly and the rest of her people, I wasn't willing to rush out to face their supposed master on the battlefield just yet.

If I did so I might have to go through Fly and the other innocent ones first, as to get to their master. Since they would only see me as another threat. And in my experience, people chose the evil they knew and understood over the one they didn't.

So I could not let the Society vote in such a way that forced my hand.

I couldn't allow that. Not yet.

Standing slowly, I ignored Renn's hard gaze. She had sat next to me, which had drawn eyes, but luckily no one had said anything. People were too concerned over the real issue; they had no time to tease myself or Renn about how she was acting... and how I was allowing her to do so. Right now all anyone cared about were the, supposed, poor souls living under tyranny.

"I will help them. If and when I can. But as you all know, and a few here even remember from their own experiences during similar scenarios, I cannot force them into the Society. Until this master of theirs actually threatens us, or until Fly or one of the others accept the invitation to join the Society, I cannot help them. I will not force my will, or any of your wills, upon anyone if they don't wish it," I told them.

Although I had spoken calmly, and smoothly, I noticed several who had listened flinch... as if I had shouted or yelled.

The ones who had were those who could remember the results of my belief in free-will. Several here had lost friends and family because of it.

Most here had known those who had done so. They had not only known those who denied the Societies invitation, but had watched the result of it too.

They had chosen to deny my invitation. They had chosen to side against the Society.

They chose to become the enemies of the Society, instead.

Those here still remembered. They remembered choosing the Society. Choosing to join us, and to stop bowing to the old lords they had served like slaves. Their friends and family who had chosen not to join the Society... well...

They lost. Just like the lords they had bowed to.

"But Vim..." Renn started to say something, but Brandy shook her head and stood up from her nearby seat.

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