Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven - Renn - Lamp's Farewell

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      The roof had gone quiet.

I sat in the circle alongside the thirty women. Lamp was in the center now, standing in front of us all and deep in the middle of a story. She spoke with her guttural accent and language, which somehow only made her display and speech all the more captivating.

Of course I didn't know the language, so I wasn't sure at all what was being said... but I could tell by the other listeners, the other women, that what was being said was beautiful. Beautiful and heart wrenching.

My own eyes watered to join the rest, and then one by one they begun to weep. What had been a very festive, and rather rambunctious merry-making... was now a somber and gentle sobbing session.

Lamp's very obvious emotions, and her severe and blatant dedication to what she was saying only further enforced how deeply moving her words were. She clutched her chest, and had begun to whisper. Whisper so quietly, that I wasn't sure how some of the women had heard her over their own cries and sobs.

I watched as Lamp then thumped her chest, and made a motion. One that was... disgustingly understandable. She seemed to be speaking of what had happened to her. To all of them. The abuse they had endured, and the terrors they had been forced to suffer.

My eyes watered even more as even Lamp begun to weep. It made her gruff language begin to sound scratchy, and high pitched.

As she continued, I realized she was telling their story. Not just hers. Not just the woman's who had died. But all of theirs. I heard Vim's name appear a few times, and the mention of a very obvious battle. She wept as she made a motion of stabbing someone, again and again. Had she watched Vim kill someone? Or was she saying she had done the deed?

A few of the women whooped and hollered, glad to hear of what she was saying. Glad to have been able to witness it.

Then after a few more cries and shouts... Lamp became quiet. The circle became quiet.

A few fire pits littered around us, but they were small. Barely audible over the light wind, and the silence. They were more boxes of fire, than anything else. Yet they lit our little circle up well, and kept us warm. Lamp then pointed at me, and I sat up straight at the sudden inclusion.

I had been here since the beginning. From the sacrifice of the sheep, thru the drinking and laughter, and until now. Yet this was the first time any of them had actually singled me out, or addressed me. They hadn't ignored me... but...

I looked around, and watched as they all nodded at whatever Lamp was saying about me. They all seemed to be agreeing with one another.

Then Lamp said my name, and with a very... very gruff voice said, "Thank you, Renn."

Blinking watery eyes, I nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back, and many others called out in their own language. Likely saying the same thing.

Over the next few minutes, people clapped and voiced their support for what Lamp had said and done. Staring at the group of women... I wished internally I could speak their language... yet...

Maybe a part of the beauty of this moment was my lack of understanding.

Someone coughed behind us, and it was a rough one. A familiar one. Looking behind me, I found Vim standing in the shadows.

Since Lamp seemed done, and the group was now starting to talk amongst themselves... I figured I was okay to stand up and step away for a moment. It was. None of them even noticed as I walked away from their little circle.

Lamp sat down where I had vacated, and I walked over to Vim. He was standing up against the wall near one of the doors.

"How long have you been watching?" I asked as I walked up to him.

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