Chapter Forty Nine - Renn - Silk and Sweat

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      For the first time in my life, I was wearing clothes that... made me feel like I wasn't human.

"I don't mind playing a part, Vim... but can I?" I asked, adjusting the thick silk wrapped around my breasts. It was hard to do, especially since a young boy who had been walking nearby paused as I did so.

Doing my best ignore the young boy's odd look, I shifted my shoulders and decided to just let my new clothes be.

We were already in the noble's district. And I was supposed to be a noble. Which meant I was supposed to look comfortable and normal here, in my own environment.

"Why can't you?" he asked, his eyes were focused on the building in front of us.

"Because I feel ridiculous," I complained softly. The dress was... actually not that bad. At least compared to many others that had been in that shop. But it felt really weird. Like it was going to slide off my skin, and reveal my whole naked body, at any moment. It was nerve wracking! I felt like I wasn't wearing clothes but something made to torture me.

The fact humans wore such things so easily made me feel... out of place.

"You don't look it," he said.

"I feel out of place. Now I genuinely feel like I'm pretending to be something I'm not," I said.

"Which is why you'll be just fine. Your real attitude is basically how most noble women act. So... just be yourself," he said with a shrug.

"Attitude?" I asked him.

"Only you could complain about that dress while looking so beautiful in it," he said.

Gulping at his words, I knew better than to take that at face value... Especially since it sounded insincere while he wore what he did. He now wore a dark blue suit... and as much as it pained me to admit it, he looked really good in it.

Saying such words was definitely rich coming from him.

How does such an average looking man look so comfortable in such clothing?

"That's not fair to say when you look so comfortable. You should have picked something better suited for me," I said.

He finally looked away from the alabaster building we were approaching, and smiled at me. "See? Noble women always get what they want. Even when they don't deserve it," he said.

"Ah... I do sometimes, don't I," I nodded, agreeing with him.

Though granted, that was usually only thanks to his kindness.

"I'll be your ward. A type of servant, but not. Think of me as related to you by blood, but still a servant. Or a guard. Someone you trust fully, yet see as beneath you," Vim explained.

I nodded as I adjusted my right sleeve. The soft material was... loose. It wasn't sliding free, or falling down, but it felt like it was. Which made me anxious.

"We're not married anymore?" I asked him with a smile.

He grinned and pointed at a distant glimmer. The noon sun gleamed off what looked to be armor. Armor of knights.

"They'll take one look at you and know you're above them. So as long as you don't stumble, they'll do all the heavy lifting," he said.

"Heavy lifting..." I whispered. What a way to phrase it.

"I as well. It'll be fine. All we need to do is find the storeroom. Once we do, it honestly doesn't matter what happens from there," he said.

"Another fire?" I asked softly.

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