Chapter Eighty Three - Renn - A War for a Daughter

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     Link was a tall man.

Even while slouched over the table, pointing at the large map that spread out across it, he was still several heads taller than me.

He wasn't just tall either.

"Is she still alive?" Vim asked as he studied the map with an odd gaze. He seemed very interested.

"As far as I'm aware, yes. But... who knows her condition, the poor girl," Link said with a sigh.

Link slowly stood up, yet couldn't do so all the way. This room had low beams, and lanterns hung from them. He had to slouch or risk hitting his head on them. He crossed his massive arms, and he glanced at me.

I sat up straighter, feeling a little ridiculous. How was he so big? I had never met a man as big as him before...

"You're not planning on taking her into the canyons are you?" Link asked Vim.

"I have no plans to take anyone anywhere at the moment," Vim said.

Link sighed, and I knew it was because he knew full well what Vim meant. Although it seemed to bother Link, it made me smile.

Vim really did seem to be willing to let me stay with him. How wonderful.

"You are a predator, lady Renn," Link said to me.

I once again made my back straight as I nodded. "I am," I said.

"Then please, don't be foolish. You're needed alive. Do not follow him into war," Link said.

I gulped, and wondered what he was. Surely a predator? The man's arms were as thick as my waist! "Do you plan to go to war Vim? Do you know this, uh... Princess?" I asked, I tried to remember her name but couldn't. They had just said it a few minutes ago too...

"She's not a real princess. Genni is the daughter of a mercenary. A hero. I'm actually very surprised the Northmen are willing to be known as those who kidnapped such a person's daughter," Vim said as he rubbed his jaw. He was still staring at the map. I didn't blame him for his intense interest... it was neat. There were lots of little flags all over the map, poked into the table by sharp metal nails. Some of the little flags on the nails were rather detailed and pretty to look at.

"Do you know her?" Link asked again, seemingly as interested as I was.

"No. But I know her father," Vim said lightly.

Link looked at me, and somehow I understood his expression. For such a large man, with such a large face, you'd think it was always easy... but he was usually rather placid. Like Vim. "Probably fought him once, and now likes him," Link said.

Smiling at the thought, I wondered if maybe that was what I needed to do. Maybe I needed to fight Vim to get him to actually consider me and...

"I didn't fight him. We simply negotiated. He was very respectful. I'd rather him be in control than the north," Vim said.

"So... are you going to do something about it?" Link asked as he put his hand down onto the table. It was ridiculous to see his outstretched arm. It was nearly as long as most of Vim's upper body.

"No. Odds are the poor girl's dead, or wants to be. Although saving her would earn me his loyalty, he's got to be old by now. Too old to be useful," Vim said.

"So callous," Link teased him.

"What of the pirates? In the whirlpools?" Vim changed topics, pointing to a set of blue flags near the edge of the map and table.

"As far as I'm aware, they've split. I don't know if it's a civil war or not, but they're definitely no longer all under the same banner. At least two flags I've been told have been seen sailing the whirlpools," Link said.

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