Chapter Fifty Six - Vim - Nevi

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      Nevi was as bustling as always.

Renn followed behind me closely as we walked through the busy street. This road was too narrow for carts, nor was it a main thoroughfare, but it was still one of the main roads leading to the downtown portion. I brushed up against people as I headed deeper into the city, wading through the crowd. Most of the people we walked amongst were older, dressed casually even though it was lightly raining.

The rain was just barely more than a light mist, and was easy to ignore. But I could hear the far off storm. Coming towards us from the ocean. I heard not just the roars of thunder, but the wind and waves as they crashed together.

A part of me was glad we had made it here in time before it arrived. I had no problem traveling amongst such a storm, but something told me she would have found it uncomfortable.


Glancing at the nearby crowds of people, coming and going from the many shops around us... I was thankful for their noise.

It was noisy and busy enough that the woman following behind me had no chance to do anything but follow quietly. Obediently.

I was growing a little tired of her selfish resentment of herself.

Not because it was misplaced or because it was inherently bad... but simply because I was tired of feeling sorry for her.

My people were pitiful enough as it were. I didn't need a woman like her following me around at all times, making it all feel even worse.

This world was infected with enough pity as it was. I really wasn't in the mood for it to suddenly get worse.

Which in truth just made me feel selfish myself...

"Just two Renk! All need to go now!" a woman raised a bunny by the ears. It wasn't moving. Someone in the crowd reached out to grab it, seemingly more than happy to hear that price.

She sold out before we left earshot.

Crossing a street we entered another alley. One small enough that allowed us to walk without bumping into people.

Renn huffed as she entered the alley behind me, sounding glad for it.

"I can't believe how busy it is," Renn said from behind me. She sounded annoyed... yet happy all the same.

Walking past the back entrance of a shop, I glanced at the woman behind me. She was still staring at the crowded road we had just left.

"Nevi is the last main port on this coastline. Up north there are a few others, but they're smaller and only export common goods," I said.

"So this is the biggest port city?" she asked, excited. She hurried to walk next to me, which only worked thanks to the lack of anything in the alley. Usually there were boxes, or barrels placed out here.

"No. Just the last big one," I said. Hadn't I basically said that already?

"How much bigger is this place than Ruvindale? It hadn't looked that big from the outside," Renn said.

"It's not. Just a little bigger. There're more people here because of the port. Half the people here are travelers. Merchants," I said.

"Ah... like those apple merchants," she said.


"They're going to get soaked aren't they?" Renn asked, and I noticed the way she looked up at the sky above us. Or more so at the dark clouds rolling in that covered it.

"Yes, they will."

"Will it ruin their apples?" she asked.

"Not right away. A little water won't harm them at all," I said.

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