Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five - Renn - Contracts Abundant

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      "The Telson Guild's offer is rather enticing. I could see why you would be willing to consider it," Gerald told the man.

"I appreciate your honesty," the man named Brandon nodded with a complacent smile. The kind that was a little... too easy to read. If not for having listened to him blabber on for the last half hour I'd have thought maybe he was more than he seemed.

Especially since he was supposedly a noble. A rising one, as Gerald had mentioned. One, who would, if allowed, become rather powerful here in Lumen.

"With that being said however, I regretfully have to inform you that our offer still stands. In all truth, after hearing what Sir Telson is offering you, I'd be more inclined to either rescind our offer... or to lower it, in fact," Gerald sighed as he opened his hands and gestured regrettably.

Brandon sat up straight, his large fur robe slid off his thin shoulders a little as he stared in awe at Gerald. "Rescind?" he whispered.

Gerald nodded and sat back a little, as if to portray he no longer saw this as a business meeting. He had been sitting up straight the entire time until now. "Regrettably. I'll honor our current offer, Lord Brandon, since we had made it. The Animalia Guild never goes against their word, after all. But if Sir Telson is willing to offer such a generous contract with your family and town, I'm afraid I might need to rethink the profit and loss of the situation..." Gerald sighed as he glanced down at his desk, as if to review the many papers in front of him.

Brandon grabbed his knee, and I noticed the way it shook, as if upset. Yet he wasn't angry... he was now concerned. Visible worry encompassed his face as he raised his other hand waved it back and forth quickly. "Sir Gerald, please! I don't understand... why the sudden change of heart?" the noble asked. His voice shook as much as his hand and knee.

"Sir Telson, although has always been cordial with me... regrettably has been making many bad business decisions as of late. To the point of concern. If he's that interested in your business proposal then..." Gerald frowned and shrugged, in a way that said the rest.

The Noble groaned and then put his head into his hand. He took a deep breath, and then sat back. "I had suspected as much..." he then moaned.

A little surprised, I changed my opinion of the man a little. I had expected him to grow irate, or at least a little upset. To storm out of the office, not actually admit and agree with Gerald.

"It is a horrible thing to say aloud, of course. I hope you understand I mean no ill will to you, or even to Sir Telson. I enjoy the man's company, and have done business with him on many accounts... but sometimes people get stuck in a rut," Gerald said calmly, and sat back up a little more. His back became a little more straighter. His voice a little firmer.

He used his appearance and voice as much as his words when negotiating. It was interesting.

"Nay, you're correct. Telson had seemed very... strange our last meeting," Brandon said.

"Likely stress. Personally I hope he overcomes it, and he may well still might. Maybe the two of you can find a avenue or..." Gerald gestured for the man to continue.

"No!" Brandon shot to his feet, and then hurriedly looked over at me. I didn't have to look away, since I was already looking down at the desk I was writing at. I could hear his relief and embarrassment as he coughed and straightened his puffy fur coat. "No. That wouldn't be necessary. I am more than happy to accept your original offer, Sir Gerald. With great joy, as well," Brandon said.

Gerald stood, and I wasn't sure who wanted to take each other's hand the soonest. They shook hands, and then Gerald glanced over at me. "Miss Renn, would you please bring the contract over here to be re-signed?" he asked me.

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