Chapter Nine - Renn - The Non-Human Society

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      "We get them a lot," Amber said as she stuffed another cookie into her mouth.

For such a small and thin woman, she sure did eat a lot. We had just got done with dinner. And she had eaten almost as much as me. And I've always eaten more than others.

"They're called pagans. The church does not like them, nor do they want us to associate with them, which is why they request things in such odd ways," Lughes explained.

"So... he's not a danger to us?" I asked.

"Most likely not. He probably just wants a painting of his god, this giant mouse thing," Amber said as she eyed the plate of cookies that sat in the center of the table. Was she going to eat all of them? I was tempted to not have any, just to see if she could or not.

"Are there many paintings like that? Here? Can I see them?" I asked Lughes.

"Oh... there are. I'll show you later," he said, excited.

Amber rolled her eyes, but said nothing. And not just because she had grabbed another cookie.

"Are there... lots of these pagans?" I asked another question, interested. It was a little odd, to find out that there were humans who worshiped people like us, or large animals... I mean... really?

Gods? Us?

"Oh indeed! Most used to be, until the churches grew so powerful. The church has slowly been proselytizing this world, and probably will get us all someday," Lughes said.

The bearded goat chuckled, as if he himself had nothing to do with any of it. Not even the world, which he so obviously lived within.

"Most the wars lately have been over religion," Amber said.

"Ah, they have been. In fact right now is some kind of siege, down south. Over a kidnapped saint," Lughes said, as if remembering something he had just talked about with someone. Probably had.

"Saint?" I asked.

"My mother was a saint," Amber said, with a cookie in hand.

Frowning, I wondered what that meant.

Lughes nodded, getting my attention. "A holy woman. The church uses them to display their power, or grant wealth," he explained.

"For her it was a curse," Amber though said.

I wanted to ask far more, but could tell by the way Amber bit into the next cookie that I shouldn't. She hadn't even chewed that one.

"So... how many of our kind are there? Or how many do you know?" I asked Lughes.

The goat scratched his beard, and I heard the odd sound as he did so. It really was more wool than anything else.

"Hm..." he pondered something for a moment, but before he could decide on what to say Amber grumbled something.

"Wait... you haven't explained the society to her yet?" Amber then asked, nearly dropping her newly grabbed cookie.

"Oh! Oh... no, I'm so sorry," Lughes startled, and I wondered why he was so odd. I hadn't thought goats, or sheep, to be so... air headed.

"He's been busy," I said for him. I admit I was growing impatient and wanted to know all about it... but I also knew I had time. We all did.

Or well, those like us did.

"She's been here for a month already," Amber spoke with a harsh tone, which told me she was annoyed not just for my sake but because this happened often.

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