Chapter One Hundred and Two - Vim - A Lone Mine

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      I lit the lantern and the entrance of the mine became much brighter.

"Oh!" Renn smiled as she looked more at the lantern than the mine it had just illuminated. She seemed to like the way its flame danced inside the mirror cage within the glass.

The metal mining helmet on her head shifted a little, even with the three layers of extra padding and straps that Lellip had added to it. But now at least it stayed on her head, and didn't crush her ears.

Turning I took a small breath and focused on the smell of the mine. I could smell the dirt. The grease of whale oil mixed with wood and metal. I could also smell rust... which told me that they had probably allowed one of the shafts to get flooded. Though based off the smell, it wasn't recent. Not even a few months ago, but years ago. The smell had seeped into the very dirt they were excavating.

"So uh... why are we here Vim?" Renn asked as she followed me. She walked with a small skip in her step, causing the lantern to cast dancing shadows as we headed into the mines.

"I want to see where my friend died," I said.

"Oh..." The light stopped moving, as Renn stopped walking. But after a few moments she returned to following after me.

"Ever been in a mine before?" I asked her.


"See these?" I pointed at a nearby mine timber. It had a pickaxe rested up against it.

"Hm," I saw her nod thanks to her smile. That smile drew my eyes sometimes, even when I didn't know it existed.

"Those are some of the only things keeping the mountain from burying you alive. If you want to join Nebl in his tomb, than feel free to go down any shaft that has yet to have them installed," I said.

"Can't I just stay with you? I bet that'd be the safest," Renn asked. She examined a pile of tools for a moment before hurrying over to me.

"Don't know if I could hold up a whole mountain on my own," I said.

"That's funny, since something tells me you'd survive it," she said.

I had before, but I'd not say that aloud.

Rounding a small mine cart, I studied the half empty cart as I walked past it. It had a bunch of black rocks inside.

Judging by the severe lack of people, the completely dead torches, and all the mining equipment scattered everywhere... it seemed the village indeed hadn't returned since the cave-in.

Mines this valuable weren't left alone for long... let alone for what was considered typical accidents.

"A cave in is normal for mines. Too normal for this level of abandonment," I said aloud.

"Really...?" Renn asked as we came to the first intersection. I paused for a moment to look up and down the different paths. One led ever forward, not descending. Another descended sharply enough to become dark rather fast... and the last one looked as if it went upward some distance down the path.

"Which way?" Renn asked.

"Lellip said it was deep. We'll try this way first," I said as I headed for the darkest pathway.

"How big are these things?" Renn asked as we headed down the path.

"Some can be huge. Last time I was here it was only a few miles worth of mines," I said.

"Miles?" Renn asked, and the echo her voice made me flinch.

Did I just use that word?

"A term used for great distances. A thousand paces," I said, and wondered why I always slipped up with her. A part of me hoped it was because I was thinking of other things, like my friend's death... but...

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