Chapter Ninety Four - Vim - To Kill Those Who Would

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      Renn looked far too happy as she licked her fingers. If she had been born a human she would have probably been far larger than she were, based off how much she enjoyed food. Honestly how was she so scrawny as it was? I'd never really noticed but she was, or at least looked, thin. It was one of the reasons she fit the church garb so well when she wore it. They usually were scrawny.

It was a good thing I had dressed her as a common traveling merchant and not of the devout. Although it would have fit her, it wouldn't have right now. Not with that crazy smile as she stuffed her face of food.

And it wasn't even delicious food either...

Staring at the cooked goose, or at least the remnants of what had been of one, I wondered why she found it so tasty. It had tasted rather bland and dry to me.

"Want another one?" I asked her.

"Hm... I think I'm fine," he said as she turned her plate a little, to start eating the bread that had been served along with the goose.

"You think," I noted.

She smiled at me as she took another bite.

The tavern we sat in was a little busy. It was full of fishermen and those who worked in the village. Renn and I were dressed the nicest, yet not so nice that we stood out. Odds were this tavern got many travelers, although right now it seemed we were the only ones here.

"Two ducks as always, Bram!" A large man teased one of his regular customers as he put a pair of large platters onto a nearby table.

"Two ducks and three beers, you mean!" the man laughed back.

The loud patrons made it easy for Renn and I to ignore them, and be ignored. We had gotten a few looks when we had ordered a whole goose for ourselves, but those looks had only been gentle envy, nothing more.

"Ducks..." Renn groaned at the word.

"They're tasty," I teased her.

"Think he ever eats any? He had meat in his house," she said as she slowly took another bite.

"Why wouldn't he?" I asked her.

"Crane didn't eat meat."

"Crane was weird," I said.

"Rude," she reached over to take one of my bread pieces.

Taking a drink, I watched as Renn happily ate. At moments like this she seemed to be as old as she looked. A young girl who had just entered womanhood, and was enjoying life and all its pleasures.

Which meant people saw me as the lucky guy who caught her eye, or maybe the weird one who she'd leave in the dust the moment she could.

Either worked.

Renn coughed as she swallowed. She quickly went to take a drink, and seemed to focus on her drinking for a moment. The bread must have gone down harshly.

"Bread, the mighty cat killer," I said lightly.

"Almost," she smirked at me as she went to take another bite.

"Worse ways to go," I admitted as I reached out to take a bite of the stuff myself.

Sure enough the bread was rather dry. It had been left to sit in the hot pan a little too long.

"Can I ask something weird, Vim?" Renn then said.

"Half your questions are weird Renn," I said.

She blinked, and then smiled at me. "Only half?" she asked.

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