Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One - Renn - A Feather, A Wagon, and a Child

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      I'd think the scene before me was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen if not for the very worried, terror-marred, expression on Fly's face.

She was hiding behind some crates, ones bigger than her, and was peering at me from behind them. She kept looking around, worriedly, and flinched occasionally from the loud sounds and bangs here in the depot.

We were hidden behind some wagons and stacks of barrels and crates. The only reason I had found her was because she had waved me over and whispered as to guide me.

How had she even snuck in here? The only bay doors to the depot that were open were currently very busy. Lines of wagons and carts were stacked and packed in front of each one.

"Did he follow you?" Fly worriedly asked as I got closer.

"Vim? He knows you're here Fly, but I don't think he's too nearby," I said honestly.

She cowed a little, and hid behind the crate a little more.

The poor girl was shivering even though it wasn't that cold... and even if it had been cold, it wouldn't have mattered to her. Not only was she inhuman like myself, she was also covered in those many layers of dirty clothes and jackets. She was probably hot if anything.

"How have you been Fly? I was starting to worry about you," I stepped closer to her, as to peer a little around the crate.

I found Fly back against another crate... kneeling as she hid herself to her best of her ability. There was no reason for her to act so terrified... there was no way anyone could see us here, surrounded by crates and wagons. Nor hear us, thanks to the loud banging and yelling of all the workers.

"Scared. I'm sorry," Fly whispered.

"Scared of who? Vim?" I asked.

Her nod told me yes, but the way her eyes hesitated told me there was more to it than just her fear of Vim.

"You were worried about me?" Fly asked softly.

"Of course I was. It's been several days," I said.

I stepped into the crevice between the large crates... and knelt down too. As I kneeled down into the small section she was hiding in, Fly seemed to study me.

In-between the crates, the world became a little quieter. Yet it was still a little noisy. Men shouting. Wagon wheels rolling along stone. Boxes and barrels being banged around. Horses' hooves and their neighs.

"The Master ate Pulti," Fly whispered.

My jaw clenched, and I slowly leaned to the side. My shoulder hit the crate I was kneeling against, and I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I wondered what to think.

"She was already dead. She didn't feel it," Fly said. Although her voice didn't have much emotion in her tone, I could still hear her worry. Worry for not just herself, but me.

"I see..." I opened my eyes and watched the way she nodded, seemingly glad I understood her.

She died from Vim's wounds... and had been eaten all the same.

I knew Vim had likely heard her words, but I kind of wish he hadn't.

"She was my friend," Fly whispered.

I nodded, and didn't know what else to say or do. What could I say? She looked about ready to break.

"Is he your friend?" Fly then asked.

"Vim...? Yes... I cherish him. Probably in a similar way you cherished Pulti," I said.

Fly blinked at me, and then leaned forward a little. "You can be friends, even though you're both...?" She stopped talking as she gestured at me.

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