Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two - Vim - A Shock

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      The chair creaked a little as I leaned back. I had to be careful. It was actually old, and weathered. It'd break if I let my full weight lean onto the chair's backrest.

I was getting a little tired of sitting here. And not just because I couldn't get Renn's body out of my mind.

"They're our people, Vim," Brandy told me.

"They are," I accepted that fact.

"They did attack him, however. Merit witnessed it. As did Renn. So this may still end... regrettably," Lawrence said.

"Their attacks were of no danger to me," I once again brought up that fact to the three of them... but I really hadn't needed to.

These three knew that. They knew it well. Out of everyone here in Lumen, Merit, Brandy, and Lawrence knew what I was capable of best.

All three of them had witnessed it themselves. Back during that Monarch incident in the south.

"Although that's the truth, you can't ignore the fact that they still attacked you Vim. It means they're willing to kill. They had no way of knowing they couldn't harm you, which means they had attacked with the intent to kill. That's not a good mindset for our kind," Merit said.

We were sitting alone, in one of the empty rooms in the Societies Houses. No one else was around. Which was probably why Merit's tone sounded so hard and serious. She wasn't afraid to remind me of how she used to be.

"Only for you, Merit. A few of our other members becoming more lethal would be a good thing," I said.

Merit glared at me from her large chair, and I looked away from her as to look at Brandy and Lawrence. Their chairs were like mine, more reasonable.

"You believe they hadn't been trying to attack you, originally... but that doesn't mean they meant no ill will. What if instead of killing Renn, they had wanted to kidnap her? Or something like it? We must take that into account," Lawrence argued.

Brandy nodded, agreeing.

I leaned back again, and had to stop. Damn thing almost broke more.

Stupid chair. I glanced around the room, at the other chairs and couches. Maybe I should just swap mine...

"If we allow Vim to chase them, to hunt them, he'd likely find them... but what if his encroachment into their territory only further escalates the violence?" Brandy asked.

"Vim's not so bloodthirsty he'd just start attacking them, Brandy," Lawrence said to her.

She nodded. "I know but still. Now they'll be on guard. React harshly. As we would, if our positions were reversed," Brandy said.

"We would, Lawrence. I'd attack him on sight had our situations been reversed," Merit took Brandy's side.

Lawrence sighed, but nodded. He couldn't really keep arguing that point. He knew they were right.

"I say we let them have the first move. Let one of them return again. If they come baring fangs, then we let Vim do his thing. If not, however..." Brandy suggested.

"I'm more than willing to try any and all methods to find an amicable solution," I suggested.

Merit ignored me. "I agree, Brandy. What do you think, Lawrence?"

He nodded, also ignoring me. "I agree. If they really are our brothers and sister, we must give them refuge."

"If that is the will of the Society," I said simply.

The three nodded, and Brandy stood. She patted me on the shoulder as she walked past, leaving the room.

Lawrence sighed as he too stood. "Far too many votes lately. I enjoy your visits Vim, but prefer it when they're quiet ones," he said as he too patted my shoulder and walked past me.

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