Chapter One Hundred and Twelve - Vim - Crossroads, Sandwiches, Drinks

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      The map would need to be updated... again.

I sat alone at a table, staring at the rather busy marketplace. Hundreds of people were coming and going, and most weren't locals at all. Large portions of the people in town carried the obvious rugged bags of travelers, or pulled along their carts and wagons that were loaded with goods.

A part of me could remember this place. A small few family's large settlement. A place I usually never bothered with, because I always expected it to disappear. People tried making new towns all the time. Very few if any ever actually succeeded.

Well this one seemed to have done so.

What had been a few scattered buildings was now an actual town. There were two brick roads, meeting in the middle and forming a large circular marketplace. The square was full of inns, taverns, restaurants, markets... a church, with a large bell tower... and even a barber.

Add the hustle and bustle to the expanding houses and buildings being built along the dirt roads that verged off the stone ones, I wondered how long ago this place had become an actual town. Years surely, based off the stonework... but hadn't I just been through here less than ten years ago? It hadn't been anything like this then.

Humans were fast when the money was flowing.

"Sir! You really need to try this, it's got just a hint of honey in it!" a cup appeared out of nowhere, being placed onto my table.

Staring at the golden swirl inside, I forced a small smile to the young woman who was beaming me a huge smile, and doing her best to seem as unimposing as possible. Which was hard, since her breasts were about to spill out from her tight shirt.

"Sure. Thanks," I accepted her forceful offer, and she nodded quickly with a giggle.

"Here!" a man at another table drew her attention, and she actually glared at him for a tiny moment.

"I'll be back!" she said happily and hurried away to serve the other table.

I shouldn't have sat here.

But it wasn't my fault. No one had even been here when I had. The girl hadn't even been working then either. She had just arrived a few minutes ago, and started taking orders.

How was I supposed to know these bunches of tables and chairs were for the restaurant across the square? Ridiculous. At least put up a sign.

The young girl took the man's order, and the woman's who was with him too, and I heard the obvious distaste and annoyance in the waitress's voice. She was actually upset at them. For making her work... or well, for making her work away from me.

What was with the people lately?

I understood it when men, and even sometimes women, stared at Renn. Or tried to impress her or draw her eyes... although most of the time none of them tried too hard since I stood next to her at all times... but...

But me?

Usually I was ignored through and through.

Though she seemed far more forceful than I liked, at least she wasn't a strange old man with bad breath.

Glancing at the church, I sighed and hoped Renn would emerge soon. I wasn't ready to start worrying about her, she'd only been in there for about half an hour... but her presence would save me from the soon to come onslaught of the waitress.

My eyes wandered to the silver gleaming weapons resting against the table.

That was the reason, wasn't it?

A boring, average looking man suddenly becomes much more interesting the moment he's seen carrying the tools of war.

Sighing softly, I picked up the slop she had left on my table and took a small sip.

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