Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six - Vim - To Sit

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      "He's still there," the woman giggled to her friend as they headed away from me down the hallway.

I ignored the two, not just because they were harmless... but because I was in no mood to even glance at the human women who kept walking past me, in an attempt to get me to talk to them.

"Wonder why Herra said he's taken?" the one not giggling asked.

"She's just trying to claim him," the giggling one whispered.

The two continued their gossip as they headed farther down the hallway, heading towards the bank. I was just barely able to block out their opinions of my face, and body. I wasn't in the mood to hear their compliments, nor their minor insults.

No mood at all.

Across from the hall the gossiping humans were heading down, was another. One that led to the depot. Behind me, somewhat smaller and plainer without rugs or paintings, was the hallway that led to one of the Society Doors. They all met together, here where I sat, and before me was the biggest of them. The hallway that led to Gerald's office.

I could just barely make out his office down the hall. Thanks to the lanterns and the way the hallway angled just a tad, I was able to tell where it was simply because I knew where it was. The door opened inward into the office, so I wasn't able to see the door nor the door frame around it... thanks to us having built it recessed into the wall a little.

Such doors looked fancier than those not.

Taking a small breath, I ignored the scent of the one approaching behind me. Pierre walked up behind me slowly, and rounded me a little more than he really needed to. He nodded at me, and waited until nodded back before he smiled and spoke, "It's been a long while since I've seen you on guard like this," he said.

"Hm... when was the last time?" I asked him.

Pierre frowned, as if surprised I couldn't remember. "Forty odd years ago, I suppose. When you brought Sally here," he said.

Ah. Yes.

"Sally," I nodded.

"Sally. Though... that is why I came to find you," Pierre coughed a little, and glanced around. Once he was sure no one else was nearby, or even within earshot, he stepped a little closer and lowered his voice. "Monroe passed away this morning."

I blinked, and although wasn't surprised at all to hear the news... I was still a little surprised.

Surprised because I had completely forgotten about that human, since so much had been happening lately.

"I see. Does he have anyone to handle his remains?" I asked. If not I would handle it.

"We can't leave, of course, so Lawrence has gotten a group of humans we can trust to handle it. He'll be buried next to Sally," Pierre said.

I nodded; glad... yet not, to hear it. He deserved to be buried by one of us, not people who didn't or couldn't understand what he had sacrificed. Let alone what his wife had given up, for him and all of us.

But it wasn't Pierre's fault, or anyone else's. They had voted, and that vote still stood as law.

No one was allowed to leave.

Well, technically I could. I was not bound by such laws... but...

That would defeat the whole purpose.

"Just figured you should know," Pierre said as he nodded.

"Yes. Thank you. I had said goodbye to him, not long ago. He paid his dues," I said.

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