Chapter Fifty Eight - Vim - Rapti

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      The storm had died down a little, but the rain continued to fall. Thunder and lightning only showed themselves once in a while, and the wind was pretty much gone completely.

A lull, as the sailors called it.

And this little church was just as quiet.

The pew I sat on creaked a little as I shifted, stretching my shoulder and upper back. For some reason I felt stiff.

Rapti was cleaning the small stone cross of her god. As she wiped it, I could tell there was no real point to. It was free of dust... most likely because she cleaned it often. It probably got cleaned multiple times a day by multiple people.

Yet as repetitive and useless it seemed... Rapti was focused dearly on it. As if the large stone cross that was nearly her size in height, was precious.

Rapti and I were the only ones in the church at the moment. A few other women had been here earlier, but had left to the other church. The large one situated behind this one... or rather, technically, I guess this was the one behind the real one.

That one was probably busy. Around this time should be first sermon of the day. I knew soon I'd hear hymns and a choir as people sang their songs of praise.

"I'm surprised they haven't torn this place down yet. Or turned it into something else," I said.

"They will someday," Rapti said as she focused on a spot.

Luckily she'd be okay with that.

Rapti's devotion was flawless. To the point that even the members of our society who hated the church, like Lilly, respected her. They might not like her faith, but they liked her as a person.

Yet for as strong as her faith... she was also a realist. She'd cry and weep, as she had done when she had learned of Crane and the rest, but the next day would be standing strong... returning to her daily duties.

It was funny that she was so similar to Lilly, even if the exact opposite.

"She's a good person, you know," Rapti then said.

"Who?" I asked. Lilly? Had I said her name out loud?

"Renn," Rapti said with a huff, obviously upset that I couldn't tell whom she was speaking of.

"Oh," I sighed and sat back, making the wooden pew creak in annoyance.

"It's very rare for such a predator to have such emotions. Yet... that can also be dangerous too," Rapti said.

"You're telling me," I said.

I had told Rapti of what had occurred at Ruvindale... but I didn't tell her how easily it could have gone so much worse. And most of the ways that would have happened would have been because of Renn.

One wrong move. One wrong word...

"What will you do with her? Take her to Lilly?" Rapti asked as she stretched to wipe off the top of the cross.

"No," I said.

Lilly would ruin her.

"That's good. I'm glad you've thought about it enough to realize that would be a mistake," Rapti said with relief.

"Why would it be a mistake, in your eyes?" I asked.

Rapti paused and glanced at me, and I didn't care much for the look in her eyes.

She found my question ridiculously out of character, and it showed.

"Lilly would utilize that girl's emotions and turn her into a warrior," she said plainly.

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