Chapter Five - Renn - Paintings

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      With a dry mouth, I stared into the large window.

A massive painting, larger than me, was being showcased. They had draped a blue curtain behind it, making it all that was visible... but it was obvious why.

There was nothing other than this painting that they needed, to display the purpose of this building. To display the skill.

Yet it wasn't just the artistic talent I saw in the scene.

It was still a little early. Most of the air was full of the smell of wood being set alight. And it was now mixing with the smell of cooked food, or boiling flavored water. Tea, mostly.

An older woman last night had told me of this shop. It was a little hidden, one of only a few shops on this road, but it was large. Three stories tall, with a fancy looking roof. There was even a balcony on the third floor, overlooking the road.

We were only a few roads from the center of the city, where a large castle sat. I didn't know yet if there was some kind of king or something that ruled here, but right now I didn't care about such things.

The only thing I cared about, was finding out who painted the scene before me.

It was of a small village. Several small houses, with thatch roofs. A small creek that ran through the center, with a bridge. Scattered every so often, were people. Villagers. Some were working in fields; some were walking on the paths. A man was fishing off the bridge, and a child was climbing a tree near the front of the painting. She was the closest in the view, and was thusly the most detailed.

And because of that detail, I saw it clearly.

They looked normal. Normal humans. Normal poor, but happy, farmers.

At least they did, until you noticed their shadows.

Any human who noticed the well hidden shapes in the shadows, would probably only think it as an artist expressing something. Or maybe, they'd see it as something religious. After all, their shadows had wings.

The front door was still locked, which was the only reason I hadn't gone into the building yet... but I was growing impatient.

There was a very, very, good chance that whoever had painted this painting was like me. Or at least, knew of those like me.

I wanted to see more of their paintings to confirm it, but I also hoped that once I entered the building I would be able to sense if there was anyone non-human inside.

About an hour ago I heard sounds from within. Barely audible, mixed into the sounds of the city, but I heard them. Someone had opened a door, and then there had been a small conversation between two people. I couldn't hear what had been said, but I thought I heard one of them be a woman's voice.

I knew I probably looked ridiculous standing out here, staring blindly at the painting in the window... but hopefully no one would call the city-guards upon me. I didn't want to leave, and walk around, because I feared the people inside leaving and me having to wait another day or more to find them again.

Stepping back a step, I read the sign again. It wasn't painted, oddly... but it had been carved with a steady hand. It looked well made, and worn. It had been hanging there for a while.

"The Sleepy Artist," I whispered, and wondered what kind of creature they could be based off that name alone.

Something that slept a lot? Hibernation maybe? Many animals did sleep through the winter...

A single snowflake landed on my shoulder, and I wondered if maybe that was why they hadn't opened their shop yet. Maybe they hid away all winter...

Should I just bang on the door?

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