Dumbledore's Round-Up

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Y/N Black was humming silently. He has been stood staring outside his window for the best part of four hours, staring at the darkening fields surrounding the Burrow, the place he had been staying for the summer, and the artificial light of his magical lit lamp seemed to drain his face of colour, so he looked almost ghostly with his streaking white hair that now fell across his ears in a slowly tumbling cascade of snow.

The room he way staying in, which had once belonged to Percy Weasley, and would usually be in pristine condition, was now strewn with various possessions and a good helping of rubbish. Owl feathers, sweet wrappers and wads of crumbled up letters littered the floor. A number of spell books lay amongst the tangle of robes on his bed and a mess of newspapers sat in a heap on his desk, the headline of one blared:

Y/N Lynx -Black or white?

Rumours continue to fly about the mysterious recent disturbance at the Ministry of Magic, during which He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was sighted once more. 

"We're not allowed to talk about anything, don't ask me," said one agitated Obliviator, who refused to give his name as he left the Ministry last night.

Nevertheless, highly placed sources within the Ministry have confirmed that the disturbance centered on the fabled Hall of Prophecy. 

Though Ministry spokes wizards have refused to even confirm the existence of such a place, a growing number of the Wizarding community believe that the Death Easters now service sentences in Azkaban for trespass and attempted theft were attempting to steal a prophecy. The nature of the prophecy is unknown, although speculation is rife that it concerns Harry Potter, the only person ever known to have survived the Killing Curse, and Y/N Lynx, the boy connected with the dangerous Elemental creatures... but is he as dangerous as we once believed?

Many claims have become untruthed that the boy is violently on Albus Dumbledore's side in the fight against the Dark Arts, and that the Elemental that he had become notoriously connected to reportedly plays a huge part-

Y/N tossed the newspaper aside, he had read the same article tens of times since its arrival, not quite believing his own eyes, but then scowled as he saw the paper that followed:

Scrimgeour Succeeds Fudge

Rufus Scrimgeour, previously Head of the Auror office in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, has succeeded Cornelius Fudge as Minister of Magic. The appointment has been largely greeted with enthusiasm by the Wizarding community, though rumours of a rift between the new Minister and Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, surfaced within hours of Scrimgeour taking position. 

Scrimgeour's representatives admitted he had met with Dumbledore at once upon taking position of the top job, but refused to comment on the topic under discussion. 

The former Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, was unavailable for comment having seemingly vanished from the public eye since being removed from office.

It was this last short paragraph that seemingly would have been a throwaway line to most readers, struck Y/N like a blade of cold ice to the gut. 

If Fudge had vanished from the public eye, then where on earth was he? What was he doing? 

His memories flashed back to the look on the former Minister's face when Caym had almost tore his face apart with his teeth at the Ministry, and the furious look that followed the almost petrified state of the middle-aged man. 

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now