The Orphanage Trip

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10 years ago...

Cornelius Fudge was having a spectacular day, which was not a regular occurrence. Fudge, who worked in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes in the Ministry of Magic, was currently standing outside of a house. The house where the Dark Lord had been defeated only a few hours ago, by a mere child.

His parents were dead of course, they had died protecting the boy who would defeat the Dark Lord, but there was one question on everybody's mind... how did he do it?

Harry Potter was no older than a year, and yet he had dispersed of the dark wizard who had been responsible for hundreds of deaths of those within the magical community. Hundreds had failed to defeat You-Know-Who, one single child managed to defeat him.

The child was still in the wreckage of the house, bits of rubble were being removed by other members of the Ministry to safely retrieve the boy from what was left of the house. This would, unfortunately, result in lots of memory charms being performed on Muggles who lived in Godric's Hollow and had come to see what the commotion was, yet, Fudge had never been happier.

He was gone, life could finally resume the way it once was. He could set his eyes on the position he had wanted since he had started working for the Ministry.

The Minister of Magic. Unfortunately, there were two people currently standing in his way. Two people who had far more support than himself by wizards and witches alike. Bartimus Crouch and Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore had never even acknowledged the idea of becoming Minister, yet he had the support of the masses, and many assumed he would become the next minister. Crouch on the other hand, was a the polar opposite. Crouch had made it very clear that he wished to become Minister, this would prove to be a problem. However, these were matters for another time, for now, Fudge was here to prove that he cared for something as important as this to the entire wizarding world.

Fudge watched on as several wizards and witches continued to use their wands to pick up parts of the house that had been demolished, and were moving them a safe distance to allow access to the house to retrieve the boy who would become legend. There wouldn't be a single witch or wizard who wouldn't know the name, Harry Potter.

It was then however, when a rather loud, rather obnoxious noise was echoing around Godric's Hollow. Several people stopped working on the removal of the rubble to get a better view of where the sound was coming from. Fudge looked to his left and saw something flying down towards them from the sky, it was a motorbike gently flying down towards the ground in front of what was left of the house. Riding this motorcycle, was a beast of a man. Fudge quickly realized that this was the Games Keepers of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Rubeus Hagrid.

Fudge watched on as the man, if you could even call him one, trudged up towards the ruined house, shouting at the hard workers of the Ministry, "orders from Dumbledore, comin' through!" Fudge looked disgusted at the mention of Dumbledore's name. He was interfering with his plans again! Fudge watched annoyed as Hagrid made his way into the house, and exited moments later with a small bundle in his arms, got back on the motorcycle quickly, and rode off into the dark of the night in the direction he had came.

Fudge rubbed the back of his neck furiously, what could Dumbledore possibly want with the boy? Was it a way for his support to be boosted even further? Maybe he's working with Crouch... Hundreds of ideas swam around his head, thinking of possible ways that Fudge could save face, he was so lost in thought however, that it took him a few moments to realize that his robes were being tugged on. Someone was trying to get his attention.

"What is it?" Fudge spat angrily towards the young wizard that was pulling on his robes. The young man recoiled for a second, but quickly managed to recompose himself as he brought his own voice to a whisper.

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now