Third-Year at Diagon Alley

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It took over an hour for Harry, Y/N and Lauren to settle in to their new rooms in the Leaky Cauldron. Harry's conversation with the Minister of Magic took significantly longer than anyone would have thought, leaving Y/N and Lauren freezing outside the door. It wasn't until Harry stuck his head outside that they were able to come inside. 

Harry had informed them that the Ministry was paying to let Harry stay at the Leaky Cauldron until school started, but Y/N would have to pay for both himself and Lauren. This also included buying all of Lauren's things for her first year, as she had no Wizard money left for her by a stranger like Y/N did. 

Staying in the Leaky Cauldron was a vast contrast to the Orphanage. The letter David has sent in response to Y/N and Lauren's midnight runaway was less than cheerful, but he eventually came round and agreed that the two of them might as well stay there until the school year started. Y/N told Lauren about his first trip to Diagon Alley, and the two occasions David had fainted. 

The Weasley family and Hermione weren't supposed to arrive in Diagon Alley for another two weeks, which gave the trio of Harry, Y/N and Lauren two weeks of freedom from parental figures, planning out what Lauren wanted to buy, and filling up on every flavour that Florian Fortescue's ice cream shop had to offer. 

Lauren had sat on a chair outside of the ice cream shop, marveling at all the Witches and Wizards, gizmos and gadgets, and brooms and wands she could see whilst Harry struggled to finish one of his final homework essays which Y/N was helping him on, as he had finished all of his homework within the first week of the summer-holidays. 

Y/N was reminded daily in the two weeks of freedom that he still had five years at Hogwarts left, which meant five years of spending money from his table in the vault in Diagon Alley on books. With Lauren's lack of wizard money, it looked as though he was also going to have to pay for Lauren's time at Hogwarts in addition to his own. 

There were several occasions in which Witches and Wizards backed away from him and crossed to the other side of the road, someone even spat on the floor in his direction, muttering, "son of scum" as he walked by. 

If the last two years had been bad, across these two weeks it had been ten times worse than normal, and Y/N had no idea why. He considered the possibility of Fudge's appearance having something to do with it, but was used to the verbal abuse and tended to ignore it.

Lauren had to practically dragged Harry away from the broomstick shop, which was showing off the latest model, titled the Firebolt. Y/N liked to see Harry getting on with one of the few people he considered family, even if Lauren was being a bit... abrasive.

There were things that were needed to be bought in the time that they had. The three of them visited Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, mainly because Harry and Y/N's robes were now far too small, and Lauren didn't even own a set. Lauren laughed through the entire process as Madam Malkin used her flying tape measure, and it zipped around her small body. Lauren stared at Ollivanders' wand shop through the window as she was getting measured. 

"We'll go there last" Y/N said as they left the shop, "build's the excitement up even more". Lauren pouted as they strolled past the wand shop and into Flourish and Blotts, the book shop in which Gilderoy Lockhart had done signed copies of his books last year, and was now in St. Mungo's hospital for memory loss. 

As soon as the three of them entered, the manager approached them, looking rather stressed, "Hogwarts? You'll need two I presume?" He said, addressing the two older boys as he moved towards a cage full of books that were snapping each other apart. 

"Just the one," said Harry, "I have mine already, this is the book I mentioned Hagrid sent to me." he said, looking at Y/N. 

The manager looked slightly less irritated by this, but still unhappy that he had to reach into the cage of books that was most likely going to eat a finger or two. 

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