The Guards of Azkaban

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Y/N and Lauren both woke bright and early on the morning of September 1st. Lauren had all of her things ready for their journey to Kings Cross piled neatly on the ground next to her in the same booth that they had sat in last night, Y/N was wiping the marks on his glasses. 

"You'd think" he began, grumbly, "That Madam Pomfrey, being a Witch and all, would have put some anti-mark spell on these stupid things." He sighed and placed the glasses down and sipped his tea. 

"Well, maybe you can look one up in the Library and do it yourself when you're back at Hogwarts?" suggested Lauren, who had already drained her hot chocolate.

"I'm telling you, it'll be one of the first things I do tomorrow when I have free time. Today is all about getting there safely, getting you sorted, and falling asleep with no problems."

"Oh please" said Lauren, "When you're involved, there's always a problem."

Before he could refute, the sound of nine sets of feet stormed down the stairs, all looking frazzled. Mr. Weasley sat down on a stool the opposite end of the room from Y/N and Lauren and pulled out the latest edition of the Daily Prophet, whilst Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny all squished Y/N and Lauren against the wall so they could all sit in the same booth. 

"Good morning" said Y/N, "Sleep well?"

Ron yawned loudly, "alright I guess, Percy's gone mad looking for his Head Boy badge. Harry, what was it you wanted to tell us?" 

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Harry as he took another sip of his tea, but Harry's eyes trailed to Percy, who had just stormed in.

"I'll tell you later" he said, hastily. 

There was no later, at least, not for Y/N and Lauren, who were reminded that they had no form of transport to Kings Cross by Percy. The two of them grabbed their things and walked out of the Leaky Cauldron, hearing the cries of protest from Ron to his parents. 

The door was rather narrow and took a bit of a squeeze getting both of the trunks out of the building. Y/N's landed with a thump and Apollo hooted in annoyance. 

"Sorry" muttered Y/N, but his eyes were far too focused on the limo-like cars that covered the nearby street. 

"Ah, that makes sense" said Y/N, noticing the Ministry of Magic label, "That's why we're not going with them. Fudge provided cars, and clearly, we're not invited. Come on, we'll call for the Knight Bus."

"Ooh! Let me do it!" said Lauren, excitably. She was already dressed in Hogwarts robes, even though Y/N had told her that the journey was quite long. She dislodged her Wand from her cloak and held it out. Her eyes were closed, as though calling for help. 

After a few moments, there were several loud pops and bangs, and suddenly, the form of the Knight Bus appeared once again. 

Fortunately, Stan Shunpike was nowhere to be seen. The beds that were originally in the bus had now formed into seats quite similar to Muggle buses, Y/N watched Lauren looking excitably out of the window, praying that, just this once, it would be a normal school year. 

 * * *

Due to other people already being on the Knight Bus, Lauren and Y/N arrived at Kings Cross Station with less than ten minutes to spare. They took their trunks off the bus as fast as they could and grabbed the nearest trollies, piled the trunks, Apollo, and Bumblebee on top, and practically ran through the station. 

There was no sign of The Weasley's, Harry, or Hermione as they ran past, but they didn't really even have the time to look. 

"Okay" said Y/N, slowing down to walk pace as they approached the barrier, "best way to do this is run if you're nervous. Run right at the wall, don't stop, It will let you through."

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now