Sirius's Story

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TW - Undeage drinking (It's Sirius in his Sixth year, what else did you expect?)

September, 1977 - Hogwarts.

"Come off it, Owens! You know he was practically asking for it-"

"Leave me alone, Black. I don't need you reacting every time I have a conversation with another boy!"

"But of all the people you could have been speaking to? Regulus? Really?"

Cynthia Owens stopped in her tracks and turned on the balls of her feet. The two Sixth-Year students staring holes into each other as Sirius tried to fix his hair after he had ran after Cynthia.

"I'll have you know, your brother isn't as bad as he seems." Cynthia said smugly as she watched Sirius's jaw drop. 

"Are you kidding? After everything my parents did to me, he stood there and did nothing. He stands by their blood supremacy nonsense. He watched last summer as my parents performed the Crucicatus Curse on me over and over again-"

Cynthia covered Sirius's mouth with her hand as her piercing blue eyes forced Sirius to look at her, "I was teasing, Black. I know what it's like to have family who doesn't treat you right. If there's one person you can't lecture that about, it's me."

Sirius fell silent as Cynthia took her hand away from his mouth, "then why-"

"Why was I talking to Regulus? I wasn't. It was him that struck the conversation in the first place. He said something about Snape wanting to-"

"Snivellus?" Sirius growled, "what does he want with you?"

Cynthia looked as though she was about to rip her eyes out of their sockets trying to get a word out to Sirius. 

"Will you let me finish? Snape's still trying to recruit students to Voldemort's side, I assume he finally realised that I am also Pure-Blooded and could be an asset to his cause."

Sirius's face contorted into rage, "Lily would go out with Peter before I'd let Snivellus get near you." 

Cynthia let out a breathy laugh as she observed the boy in front of her. The boy with a broken childhood and nobody to rely on other than the Marauders. The boy who was determined to go to war to fight against prejudice and to protect the ones he cares for the most... The boy who still had the childish crush on her. 

"I'm sure that Peter would make a wonderful boyfriend," Cynthia laughed, "at least Lily would know that Peter isn't a player like a certain Padfoot I know."

Sirius mockingly placing his hand over his heart, "You wound me, Owens! Besides, we all know you've fallen for me by now, my charm is just far too captivating."

Cynthia raised her eyebrows, "I think you'll find that the roles are reversed here, Black. Don't think I haven't noticed your puppy dog eyes whenever you see me."

Cynthia flashed a smile as she turned on a stunned Sirius and made her way to the greenhouses for Herbology.

December, 1977 - Christmas Ball

"Six years!" Sirius proclaimed as he threw his pillow at James Potter, who caught it with ease.

"Six years you've been pandering after Evans, and you finally got her to go out with you!" 

"Its not like that," shrugged James, adjusting his bow tie, "We're just going as friends-"

"Bullshit!" called Sirius, still not dressed for the ball, "I've seen the way you look at each other. It used to only be you who looked lovesick, but now it's Lily as well!"

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now