Diagon Alley and a Dumb Idea

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Y/N learnt quickly that living at The Burrow was very different to life at the Surrey orphanage. David preferred the idea of cleanliness and an ordered house, which was difficult considering the people that lived there, whilst the Weasley's home popped with the strange and unexpected. Y/N had almost died from laughing later in the first day of arriving after one of the mirrors in the hallway shouted at Harry, "Tuck your shirt in scruffy!" and Harry had practically leapt out of his skin in sheer shock. 

The ghoul above Ron's bedroom was very loud and annoying, and loud bangs coming from Fred and George's room was apparently the usual. One of the main differences from living at The Burrow to the orphanage was that here, none of the adults seemed to like him. Mrs. Weasley gave him smaller portions than Ron for dinner and barely spoke a word to him, whilst Mr. Weasley made it very loud and obvious that he was only happy with Harry being here, as he made a loud kerfuffle about Harry sitting near him at every mealtime.  

Y/N had received his Second-Year Hogwarts letter a day earlier than expected, although he was sure that if he had been at The Burrow, his letter would have also arrived there. The next morning Y/N, Ron and Harry went down for breakfast, with Mr. and Mrs Weasley and Ginny already downstairs. The very second that Ginny noticed Harry, she knocked her bowl of porridge onto the floor. Y/N facepalmed, it was becoming very obvious very quickly that Ginny had a crush on Harry. Ginny had jumped underneath the table to pick up her bowl and reappeared with a face as red as the setting sun. Harry was doing his very best to have pretended not to have seen anything, as he led the way to the table and sat down. Mr. Weasley turned to Harry and Ron with something in his hand. 

"Letters from school. Dumbledore already knows you're here Harry, doesn't miss a trick that man. You two've got them too" and he turned to Fred and George and handed them letters. 

"What about Y/N dad? is there no letter for him?" Ron asked concern grew on his face. Y/N smiled at him, waving his ownletter in his hand that he had received the other day before arriving at Ron's house. 

"I got mine the day before I came here. Dumbledore must have sent mine early by mistake."

Mr. Weasley's face turned purple, "Dumbledore never misses a trick." he repeated through gritted teeth, making Y/N go silent. 

There were a few minutes of silence as Harry, Ron, Fred and George all read their letters from Hogwarts. Y/N sat and ate his toast quietly, not wishing to further annoy Mr. Weasley that morning. 

Fred had finished his letter first, an he peered over at Y/N's letter, which he had taken out to reread again, "You've been told to get all of Lockhart's books too! I bet the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher is a Witch, she must be a fan." At the second he finished, Mrs. Weasley's eyes met Fred's, and Fred suddenly became very intrigued by the marmalade on the table. 

"This stuff won't come cheap" started George as he looked towards his parents, "Lockhart's books are mad expensive". 

"Well, we'll manage" stated Mrs. Weasley, but Y/N could see that she was looking rather tense and worried, then suddenly, Y/N had an idea... that he would have to implement later.

"I expect we'll be able to pick up a lot of Ginny's things second hand" finished Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, starting Hogwarts this year are you?" Asked Harry. Ginny nodded quickly and was blushing to the roots of her flaming hair, and put her elbows in the butter dish. Y/N had to cover his mouth in an attempt to stop laughter coming out. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine Ginny. We had a completely safe year for our first year. Right Harry?" Y/N smirked at Harry, referring to the quest to save the Philosophers Stone towards the end of their first year. 

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now