A Father's Love

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"He's an Animagus!" cried Sirius, "BY THE NAME OF PETER PETTIGREW!"

Y/N looked at Lauren, who's face only confirmed that what Sirius had just claimed was true. She had said when she first came into the Shack that she knew what had really happened, and now it was beginning to make sense. 

Ron however, did not find ay of this to be real, "You're all mental" he said, still clutching his leg as he tried to keep hold of Scabbers. 

"Ridiculous!" cried Hermione. 

"Peter Pettigrew is dead!" shouted Harry, "he killed him twelve years ago!" he pointed at Black, who's face was twitching. 

"I meant to," he growled, his yellow teeth bared, "but little Peter got the better of me... not this time, though!"

Crookshanks was thrown to the floor as Black lunged at Ron, his weight landing right on his leg. Ron shouted in pain. 

"Sirius- NO!" Lupin yelled, launching himself forward at Black and dragging him away from Ron again, "WAIT- you can't just do it like that. They need to understand, we have to explain and you have to learn about-"

"We can explain afterwards!" snarled Black, trying to throw Lupin off him. 

"We have a right to know. You can kill the rat after you explain why you want to kill him so badly," said Y/N. 

"Who the hell even are you?!" Black snarled at Y/N, and the two of them made eye contact for the first time since Black had been in the castle. 

"Sirius-" Lupin began, but Black conceded and got off Ron and stood to his feet and sighed dramatically. 

"All right, we'll tell you. But I'm going to make it quick because I want to actually commit the murder I was imprisoned for..."

"You're nutters, both of you!" protested Ron, "I've had enough, I'm going!"
Ron attempted to get to his feet, but Lupin had his wand pointed at Scabbers within an instant. 

"You're going to hear us out, Ron," said Lupin quietly, "Just keep a tight hold on Peter and listen."

"HE'S NOT PETER, HE'S SCABBERS!" Ron yelled, trying to force Scabbers back into his pocket, but the rat was fighting too hard, and Ron reduced to just keeping hold of him. 

Y/N turned to Black again, "what about the witnesses? I know that Pettigrew is alive, because that Map of yours never lies. But there were quite a few witnesses that said they saw you blast Peter into nothing but a finger."

Harry was fully listening now, also looking to Black for an answer, "they didn't see what they thought they saw!" he spat, still watching Scabbers in Ron's hand. 

"Everyone thought Sirius killed Peter," said Lupin, nodding, "I believed it myself, until, as you pointed out, Y/N, the Map never lies. And I saw Peter Pettigrew's name right with you."

Harry looked as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing, but then Lauren spoke up for the first time since she arrived, "As much as I trust you, Professor Lupin, we've learnt about Animagi a little bit with Professor McGonagall, but we'll learn more about them in a few years. But from what I've learnt, Animagi have to be registered, don't they? I got curious and looked up the list, and there have only been seven registered in the last century, and Peter Pettigrew was not on that list."

Hermione nodded as though she had been thinking the same thing.

"Right you are, Lauren," said Lupin rather proudly, "but even the Ministry had no idea that there used to be four unregistered Animagi running around this very room."

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now