The Devil Wears Pink

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"Did everyone see that Grubley-Plank woman?" Ginny asked. "What's she doing back here? Hagrid can't have left, can he?"

Harry, Ron, Y/N and Hermione exchanged a glance, Lauren looked at them curiously.

"I'll be quite glad if he has," said Luna. "He isn't a very good teacher, is he?"

"Yes he is!" said Harry, Ron and Ginny angrily.

Harry glared at Y/N and Hermione. She pointedly cleared her throat and quickly said, "Erm... yes... he's very good." Y/N sat there and turned his head to look out the window, for as much as he liked Hagrid, the half-giant wasn't the best teacher in the world.

"Well, we think he's a bit of a joke in Ravenclaw," said Luna, unfazed.

"You've got a rubbish sense of humour then," Ron snapped as the wheels below them creaked.

Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron's rudeness, Lauren had to cover her mouth to stop herself from snickering, but Luna simply watched Ron as though he were an interesting television programme.

Rattling and swaying, the carriages moved in convoy up the road. When they passed the tall stone pillars with winged boars on either side of the gates to the school grounds, Y/N got his first look at the castle in weeks. He glanced over at Hagrid's hut, it was very much vacated and looked rather lonely.

The carriages jingled to a halt near the stone steps leading to the front doors and Ron left first,  Y/N and Harry followed a few moments later. Y/N ran his fingers through his hair against the cold wind of the night.

"Are you two coming or not?" Ron said, a couple of metres ahead.

The two teenagers glanced at each other before catching up, joining the crowd at the stone steps of the castle.

The entrance hall was lit with torches and echoed with footsteps as students crossed the stoned floor that led to the Great Hall for the start of term feast.

The four long House tables in the Great Hall were filling up under the starless black ceiling, which was a picture image of the sky above them. Candles floated in midair all along the tables, illuminating the silvery ghosts that spoke eagerly to returning students.

Lauren wished them well and said goodbye as she went to the Hufflepuff table, Luna drifted towards the Ravenclaw's, and as soon as they sat at Gryffindor's, Ginny was hailed by some fellow Forth-Year girls and went to join them. Y/N, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville sat together halfway down the table between Nearly Headless Nick, Pavarti Patel, and Lavender Brown, the last two gave both Harry and Y/N odd looks that made them stop talking for a brief moment.

But Y/N's attention wasn't on the Gryffindor table. It was on the staffs table.

Sat in the middle, as per usual, was Professor Dumbledore. He sat in his high backed golden chair wearing deep purple robes scattered with silvery stars and a matching hat. His head was inclined towards the woman sitting next to him, who was talking in his ear.

Squat, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair in which a horrible pink hat accompanied by an equally horrific pink cardigan embalmed above her robes. She turned her head and Y/N's eyes went cold. A pallid, toad like face and a pair of pouchy eyes fit the scene for Dolores Umbridge, Cornelius Fudge's right hand woman.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath. So this was what Fudge had meant when he said he had ways of keeping an eye on him last year. His eyes trailed from the staff table towards the Hufflepuffs, where Lauren sat chatting happily, laughing with her friends, blissfully unaware of the fear that had taken control of her brother's heart.

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