Duels and Revelations

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The next morning, Harry was cleared to leave the Hospital Wing and headed straight to the Gryffindor Common Room looking for Y/N, Ron and Hermione. He was surprised to find that none of them were there, and as he turned to leaveto look for them elsewhere, a familiar voice called out. 

"Are you sure you should be out and moving already, Harry? How's the arm?" 

Y/N jumped the last few steps coming down from his dormitory to greet Harry. 

"Arm is fine, have you heard about Collin?"

"Collin? Why what's happened? Walk and talk, they're getting ready in the girl's bathroom."

On the way to the bathroom, Harry explained what he had seen the previous night, from Dumbledore entering with Collin's petrified body, to Dobby's appearance and him being the reason why Harry and Ron almost missed the Hogwarts Express earlier in the year. 

"The same house elf who told you not to come back to school then proceeded to try and stop you? What's this elf got against you, Harry?" Y/N asked as they approached the library.

"How am I supposed to know? I don't think it's anything against me though, I think he's trying to help but not doing a very good job at it."

Before the conversation could continue, Percy Weasley exited the library, looking in rather good spirits. 

"Oh hello boys! Excellent flying yesterday Harry, Gryffindor just took the lead in the house cup! You won us fifty points."

"Percy! Thank goodness we ran into a prefect. We've just seen some Slytherin students, who are much older than us, probably about sixth-year picking on some first-year Gryffindor's. We didn't try to step in because we would have had no chance... Please go and help them!" Y/N put up a front of a feeble character t oget Percy to leave, and it very clearly worked. 

"How dare they! Picking on first-years- I'll have something to say about that! Where did you say they were?" 

Y/N pointed Percy in the opposite direction to the bathroom and he strode off with a purpose. Y/N grinned and turned to Harry. 

"You would have done damn well in Slytherin, you know that Y/N?"

"Yeah? Well you're stuck with me I'm afraid. Now come on, I'm not letting them start that potion without me."

It didn't take long for Harry and Y/N to arrive at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. The message about the Chamber opening still marked the wall as they walked past and into the bathroom. There was a loud noise as they opened the door, promptly followed by extreme silence. Y/N approached a stall and banged on it loudly, waited a moment before announcing, "It's me. And I've brought Harry along." 

"Y/N! You gave us such a fright! Come in - Harry how's your arm?" Hermione asked as she ushered the other boys into the rather small stall. 

"Fine" said Harry, his eyes drifting to an old cauldron resting on top of the toilet lid. 

"We'd've come to meet you, but we decided to get started on the Polyjuice potion." Ron explained, "And no Y/N we didn't start without you, you potion freak. We decided this was the best place to hide it."

Harry began explaining about Collin, but were cut off. Ron and Hermione had overheard Professor McGonagall talking to Professor Flitwick about it earlier. 

"The sooner we get a confession out of Malfoy, the better" Ron snarled, "Do you know what I think? He was in such a foul temper after the Quidditch match, and he took it out on Collin."

"Again with the Malfoy thing? I'm telling you I'm not convinced it's him." Y/N began, "Honestly, if Malfoy was the Heir of Slytherin, he'd have unleashed whatever horror was in there and let it roam free and be caught instantly. Malfoy's not cunning enough to have it only attack one person and retreat."

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now