The Hogwarts Express

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Of all the things that Y/N had seen the last few weeks, the most terrifying thing was yet to come.

A conversation with Lauren about him leaving for months.

It was a week away from the 1st of September, and Y/N had already finished reading half of his books that he had bought as requirements for his lessons. He wasn't usually the biggest reader, but the idea of magic, the properties, and the results of it was enough to make him fall in love with reading. He would spend hours into the night, reading about brilliant witches and wizards of history, including an up-and-coming star called Gilderoy Lockhart.

His favorite subject to read about was Potions. The idea of creating something that could cure most diseases in the world, or make yourself ten times stronger by the swig of a potion really interested Y/N.

Even after reading about the Drought of Living Death, he had done his own research for that one, he was more scared by the prospect of having a serious conversation with Lauren about leaving the orphanage.

Y/N and Lauren had arrived at the orphanage within the space of a few days apart from each other. Ever since, they had acted as though they were real siblings, Y/N would tease her by saying that he had spent more time in the orphanage, therefore he knew more than her about the place and everyone inside.

Not only was he worried about having the conversation with her about leaving, he was also staring to get upset by the idea of not seeing her for months at a time. Lauren had also immediately taken a shine to Y/N's owl, who he said that Lauren could name. After many arguments against the name, 'Hoo-Dini' which David had suggested jokily, Lauren finally decided to name the owl 'Apollo', named after the greek god of the sun, music, and poetry.

It was a nice day in terms of the weather, and Lauren was outside in the garden bouncing a tennis ball up and down as many times as she could on a tennis racket. Y/N took a deep breath and called out to her from the other side of the garden.

"Lozz monster! Come here!"

Y/N's shout made Lauren jump so high that she threw the racket she was holding into a nearby bush. She then turned to Y/N with a pouty face, she hated the nickname that Y/N had called her since she was very young.

She stormed up to him and began yelling, "I nearly had a hundred bounces you big dummy! This better be important!"

Even though she was only nine years of age, she could still come across quite fierce, but Y/N laughed and rubbed her head as he always did, "come with me, I want to talk to you about something."

* * *

"You what?!" Lauren shouted, causing Y/N to cover her mouth with his hand. In defiance, Lauren continued to scream and shout even with the hand over her mouth. After a few moments, Lauren stopped and Y/N took his hand away.

"Listen, I'll be home for Christmas and Summer holidays. David and the rest of the staff here thought it would be best if I got the chance at a proper education, so I'm going to boarding school." This was the lie that he had been told to tell by David. Even though it would make Lauren hate David for a little while, there was no way that Lauren could find out the truth, even though it killed Y/N on the inside to see Lauren upset.

Lauren opened her mouth as though she was going to start screaming at him again, so instinctively, he put his hands over his own ears. Instead, there was no screaming and Y/N felt Lauren's small arms wrap around his body as she cried, "I don't want you to go! What am I going to do without you?"

Y/N comfortingly hugged her back, thinking of a way he can make her feel better. It suddenly hit him when Apollo flew into his room and landing on his shoulder. Lauren noticed and with tears in her eyes, she let out a laugh.

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