Monsters Revealed

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Making their way back to the common room that evening from looking at the trophy cabinet thanks to Hermione, the group of four were walking along corridors, travelling up the stairs and looking at the paintings.

As the group made its way along another staircase, Ron turned to Harry as they were stood still on the stairs, "I'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows more about you than you do."

"Well, it's not too hard to believe is it Ron? Harry's name is legend in the wizarding world, even I managed to figure that out on the first day." Y/N piped up as he heard the conversation. Ron opened his mouth to retort, but before he could, the staircase that they were walking up suddenly started to move. Ron and Hermione instinctively grabbed onto the bannister, Harry wasn't so lucky, and stumbled slightly, falling backwards, but Y/N pushed his hand onto Harry's back as support. Harry looked back gratefully.

"What's happening?" Harry asked as he recomposed his form and stood up straight.

"The staircases change! Remember?" said Hermione as she was still holding onto the bannister.

Eventually, the staircase had maneuvered itself to the opposite side of the wall and stopped. Relieved, Harry pointed down the corridor, and turned to the other three "Let's go this way" he said, and the four of them left the staircase swiftly, and followed Harry down the corridor.

Y/N had a bad feeling about this.

They continued to follow Harry, he darted in between corridors before coming to an abrupt stop. The corridor he had just sent them to did not look normal.

It was spooky, dark and very deserted. Y/N got a slight chill down his spine at the cold.

Ron was the first to speak up, "Does anyone feel like... we shouldn't be here?"

Hermione suddenly gasped as she realized something, "We're not supposed to be here! This is the third floor, it's forbidden!"

Aa though the words she had uttered were cursed, they heard a very distinct 'meow' from behind them as the torches turned on, lighting up the area. The four of them turned and their faces turned to fear. it was Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris.

"Run!" Shouted Harry as he darted ahead, blitzing down the forbidden corridor. Swiftly followed by Hermione, Ron and Y/N, they charged through the corridor as Harry pointed towards a door ahead of them, "Quick! Let's hide behind that door!" he bellowed.

"Brilliant idea, Harry! Shout the plan so the magic cat can hear you!" Said Y/N as he panted, starting to go out of breath. Harry ignored him and in a state of panic, attempted to open the door quickly. He turned, horrified when he realized the door was locked.

"That's it, we're done for!" Complained Ron as he looked back towards the direction they had come from, searching for any sign of Filch or Mrs. Norris.

Hermione huffed loudly, "Oh move over!" She pushed the two boys out of the way, whipped out her wand and said, "Alohomora!"

With a sharp click, the door unlocked and the four first years bolted inside of the room and shut the door behind them.

"Alohomora?" Ron asked Hermione, clearly confused as to what she had done to the door.

Hermione rolled her eyes and simply said, "Standard Book of Spells Chapter Seven."

Ron, Hermione and Harry all pushed the side of their heads to the door, listening out for any indication that Filch was nearby, Y/N however, had different problems. He had looked behind them, and what he saw truly terrified him.

A huge three headed dog lay asleep in front of them, it reminded Y/N of the old Greek Myth of Cerberus, but this thing was real. He started to shake with worry, and was trying to speak to warn his friends, but no words came out. He was petrified with fear.

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now