Learning the Details

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It looked like the end of Ron and Hermione's friendship for good. They were both so angry with each other that both Harry and Y/N had no idea how they would make up. 

Ron was furious that Hermione had never taken his worries about Crookshanks coming after Scabbers seriously, and was still suggesting that Scabbers was hiding under one of the boys' beds. She maintained her opinion that Crookshanks had not eaten Scabbers and that those ginger cat hairs might have been there since Christmas. 

Logically, Y/N believed that Scabbers was currently nothing more than floating bits inside the cat's stomach, but then Hermione shouted at him when he presented his thoughts. 

"Side with him, I knew you would!" she shouted, before turning on Harry, "first the Firebolt and now Scabbers! Everything is my fault in your opinion! Just leave me alone, I've got work to do!"

Y/N felt like tearing his eyes out of his skull he was that annoyed, Ron was more upset than Y/N had ever seen, and his siblings were attempting to cheer him up one night. 

"Come on, Ron. You were always saying how boring Scabbers was" said Fred, bracingly, "ad he's been off-colour for ages, he was just wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly- one swallow- he probably didn't feel a thing."

"Really comforting, Fred" said Y/N sarcastically, "I'm sure that'll make him feel better."

"All he ever did was eat and sleep, you said it yourself Ron" said George. 

"George!" shouted Ginny indigently. 

"Oh come on, Ron. Get down to Hogsmeade and buy yourself a new rat. What's the point in moaning?"

In a last attempt at cheering Ron up, Harry decided to invite Ron to watch their final practice session before the Ravenclaw match, promising Ron that he could have a go on the Firebolt, and with that, they headed off to the Quidditch field. 

Madam Hooch, who was watching over the practice to make sure Harry was okay, was just as impressed with the Firebolt as everyone else. Now that Y/N thought about it, she was probably also there to keep an eye on him as well, make sure that he didn't run off with Sirius Black. 

"Look at the balance on it!" she exclaimed as she too was mightily impressed with the Broomstick "If the Nimbus has a fault, it's a slight list at the tail end- you often find they develop drag over the years. They've developed the handle too, a bit slimer than the Cleansweeps, reminds me of the old Silver Arrows... It's a shame they don't make them anymore, I learned to fly on one-"

"Er- Madam Hooch?" interrupted Wood, "Can Harry have it back now? We really need to start practice..."

"Oh-right... I'll sit over here with Weasley."

She and Ron left for the stadium stands whilst Wood huddled them together for his final instructions before the match tomorrow. 

"Harry, I've just found out who Ravenclaw's Seeker is, it's Cho Chang. She's a Fourth Year and she's quite good... I really hoped she wouldn't be fit, she's had some problems with injuries..." Wood scowled as though he was wishing she got injured again, "on the other hand, she rides a Comet 260, which is going to look like a joke to the Firebolt."

"Cheers Wood" said Y/N grumpily, considering that he flew a Comet 260 himself. 

"Oops.. Sorry Y/N. Right! Let's go!"

The Gryffindor's kicked off the ground and Harry was off in a blitz of light, and was more of a blur than anything else as he shot around the stadium on the Firebolt. 

Y/N grinned, "All the other houses aren't gonna know what hit them."

"I still don't understand the point of flying on a Broomstick for entertainment"

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now