Weakness is a Curse

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Summer had never been filled with as much anxiety as the weeks of heat in 1995. Reportedly, it had been one of the hottest summers in the U.K for quite some time.

Usually, he would be downstairs or out in the garden, entertaining the younger ones in the Orphanage. But not this summer.

This summer, Y/N Lynx had spent most of his time on the roof of the building, isolated from the rest of the people he lived with.

He was a hard-eyed, white-haired, stubble-faced boy who had the look of someone who had grown a lot in a few short weeks. His jeans stuck tightly to his legs, his T-shirt was old and well-worn, and his trainers, which were originally white last year, now resembled the colour of mud.

David Lynx, the owner of the Lynx Orphanage, had been on his case for weeks about taking care of himself. But, as he lay on top of the building this evening, he was purely invisible to criticism. The only way he would be spotted was if either Lauren or David stuck their heads out of his window and looked directly at his usual spot.

Putting it together, he had realised just how long he had been coming up to this roof, and just how difficult it now was to squeeze out of his bedroom window to get here. His height had shot upward since his Fifteenth birthday, he now stood at 6'2. Ron was still taller than him, apparently.

David had tried, bless his soul, to console him throughout the summer, but Y/N was giving him nothing in return. He had still yet to tell David the truth about what had happened at the end of his Forth-Year, but if he said much, that would mean telling him about Caym... and that would open too many wounds.

His anxiety hadn't been caused by the conclusion of his Forth-Year, it had been what was instructed to happen following the events that had.

Sirius Black, his biological father, had been instructed by Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, to recruit the "old crew", and then go on a harrowing mission: To find, and bring back Caym.

In the many weeks since these instructions were given, he had heard nothing from anyone. Ron and Hermione had been giving him extremely vague answers, and it turned out that Harry was receiving the exact same treatment. They knew something that they didn't. There had been no word from Sirius.

And it pissed him off royally.

For all he knew, Sirius had been found by the Ministry in his hunt for the Elemental and had already received the Dementor's Kiss.

For all he knew, Caym had been captured by the Ministry and was being tortured.

For all he knew...the both of them were already dead.

The lack of knowledge being given to him had resulted in many passive aggressive letters to Ron and Hermione. They had responded in kind with generic responses such as, "we'll tell you when you get here."

But where was 'here?'

The logical conclusion was that Hermione was already with Ron at the Burrow. Why neither himself nor Harry had been invited yet was beyond him. He had half the mind to hail the Knight Bus and storm over there to demand what was going on.

Then, he had another idea.

He wasn't the only one being isolated and shackled away from information. Harry, more than anyone, had the right to know what was going on. Especially after what he had seen at the end of last year.

Voldemort had returned to power. And by the looks of things, this time with much more menace. With Caym on the loose, things were only bound to get worse.

And yet, in his Fifth-Year, he was expected to put his focus solely on his Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations, or OWLs as they were usually referred as.

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