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It was very well known between the Quartet that Hagrid had a liking for large, unfriendly creatures. If their first-years was to be used as an example, Hagrid decided to raise a dragon in his hut before Dumbledore took him away to Romania. Hagrid also had named the three-headed dog protecting the Philosophers Stone 'Fluffy'. The chances of a young Hagrid hearing about a monster beneath the castle and wanting to befriend it were rather high. 

Y/N couldn't help but believe it. This T.M Riddle, which Harry had revealed his full name to be Tom, was there during the event, and he had been the one to catch Hagrid. Harry had seen it with his own eyes through the Diary. The thing was, as much as he believed it to be true, he really didn't want it to be. 

"Riddle might have got the wrong person" said Hermione, "maybe it was some other monster that was attacking people..."

"If that was the case, there would have been a story about it. The only 'monster' ever mentioned in Hogwarts: A History was the monster in the Chamber." Y/N admitted dully, "There's no way it can be any other creature."

Hermione huffed loudly. 

"We always knew Hagrid had been expelled" said Harry, miserably, "and the attacks must have stopped after Riddle caught him, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten that award."

Ron however, was looking at it from another perspective. 

"Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to reveal it was Hagrid anyway?"

"Are you forgetting the monster actually killed someone, Ron?" Y/N asked. 

"And Riddle was going to be sent back home to the Orphanage if Hogwarts closed. I can't blame him for not wanting to go back." Harry said. 

This hit rather close to home for Y/N. As much as he loved the Surrey Orphanage, he couldn't imagine where he would be without Hogwarts, and with the revelation that Lauren would be coming next year, it only scared him more that the attacks wouldn't stop. 

"Harry..." Hermione began, cautiously, "you met Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn't you?"

"He was buying Flesh-eating Slug Repellant" Harry responded quickly. 

All of them went quiet, as though mulling over what to do next. 

 "Do you think we should just ask Hagrid about it?" Hermione asked. 

Y/N scoffed and Ron said, "That'll be a cheerful visit, 'hello Hagrid! Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

In the end, Y/N came to the conclusive decision that they wouldn't talk to Hagrid until there was anther attack. But at this point, four months had passed since the last attack, so they were rather hopeful that they would never have to speak to him anyway. 

When March came around, the Mandrakes had thrown a raucous party in one of the greenhouse trees, which made Professor Sprout very happy, "the moment they start trying to get into each other's pots is when we know they're mature" she told Harry after he asked at the end of a long Herbology lesson, "then we'll be able to revive those poor people in the Hospital Wing."

This wasn't the only thing that the Second-Years had to worry about, it was extremely close to the time when they had to select their Third-Year subjects, and Hermione and Y/N were taking it very seriously. 

" could effect our whole future!" Hermione said as she ticked off most of the subjects. Y/N looked at his sheet and was debating between Ancient Runes and Divination when a hard, low voice came from his head. 


What the hell would you know about subjects I'm taking for my future?!

Take Divination. 

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang