Into the Chamber

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"It's a bloody Basilisk!" Ron cried under the cover of the invisibility cloak, "and it's got Ginny!"

Y/N rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he turned to address his panicked friends, "I knew it was a snake" said Y/N, "but a Basilisk is a whole other problem. How did you two find out?"

"Hermione" Harry said, "the mirror she had was used to see the snake in reflection, and her petrified body had a page ripped out of a book about a Basilisk, she also knew how it was moving around, through the pipes."

Y/N grinned, "that genius girl, so, why are we still sat here? We need to take this to the teachers immediately."

Harry and Ron shared a look.

"Listen, Y/N... Lockhart already agreed to going down to the Chamber. Apparently he knows where it is." Said Harry.

Y/N audibly groaned, "So Ginny's life hangs in the balance of three thirteen year old boys, and a buffoon of a fraud. This is going to end well."

Y/N got dressed and the three boys hid under the invisibility cloak and headed straight towards Lockhart's office. When they arrived, all noise seemed to stop behind the door, and then a moment later, Lockhart cracked the door open slightly.

"Ah - Mr. Potter, Weasley and L-Lynx... I'm afraid I'm quite busy at the moment, if you would be quick?"

"We know you're going into the Chamber, Professor, we think we might have something to help." Explained Harry.

"Er- well- it' not terribly- oh all right" He opened the door upon looking upon the face of Y/N, who was staring daggers at him.

Lockhart's office had been completely stripped. Two trunks were open on the floor, and the photographs that once covered the walls were crammed into one of the trunks.

"Going somewhere?" asked Harry.

"Er, well yes" said Lockhart, ripped down another photograph, "urgent call! I'm needed elsewhere I'm afraid!"

"What about my sister?!" shouted Ron.

"He's doing a runner, he was never going to try and tackle the Chamber!" stated Y/N.

"But you're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" Exclaimed Harry, "You can't go now with all this dark stuff happening!"

"Well- I must say" he stammered, "when I took the job, there was nothing in the description about this!"

"Y/N's right, you are running away!" Harry shouted, "after all that stuff you wrote about-"

"Books can be misleading." Said Lockhart, delicately.

"You mean to tell me, Professor" spat Y/N slowly, "that you're a fraud and that you're admitting to it? And because of your cowardice, Ron's sister might already be dead?"

"My boy" said Lockhart, "Do use your common sense, my books wouldn't have sold even half as well if people didn't think I did all those things! No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even ifhe did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dresssense at all. And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee had a harelip. I mean,come on-"

Y/N backed away from the boys and leaned against the door, he knew Lockhart would make a break for it, and he was not going to let it happen before he got the chance.

"Let's see" continued Lockhart, "Ah yes, just one thing left" Lockhart turned and whipped out his wand, pointing it directly at Harry.

"Awfully sorry boys, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to put a memory charm on you. Can't have you blabbing my secrets all over the place. I'd never sell another book-"

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now