To the Skies

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Y/N watched Number 4 Privet Drive for most of that evening. He watched as Harry's uncle rushing about the house, purple with fury. He caught sight of his aunt, who was looking very flustered as she took her son into the car, presumably to hospital, even though for the most part, he seemed okay.

Moments later, he watched Hedwig soar from Harry's window into the dark sky. Presumably accompanied by several, rather angry, letters towards Ron and Hermione.

Y/N, in his rush to escape the Orphanage after his fight with David, had forgotten to bring anything with him barring his wand. He paced back and forth once he saw no further movement from Number 4 Privet Drive, his brain was far too busy for sleep. His eyes stung with tiredness and his back ached from the awkward angle he had fallen when the Dementor got to him.

He paced faster, with each stride fuelled with more fury. He cast angry looks towards the starry sky as though it were responsible for his current predicament. No Apollo, no way of contacting anyone, and stuck in Mrs. Figg's house right across the street from the one person he wished to speak to.

Why was he trapped here with no information? Even now, without Caym sealed within him, why was everyone treating him like a child?

He lashed out, kicking at the nearby cupboard. It did not help. Now he was dealing with sharp pains in his toes in addition to the injuries on the rest of his body.

He spent the rest of the evening writing letters with no possible way to send them. It was more for the sake of writing down his frustrations than anything else.

Once he was confident that Hedwig wouldn't be returning that evening, he resided himself to Mrs. Figg's son's bed. And was flat out within minutes.

· * * *

When he woke up next morning, he felt rotten. His back ached like he had aged fifty years, his mind was already racing when his eyes opened, but it halted when he heard the hoot of an owl.

He glanced out of the window, fully expecting to see Hedwig arriving at Number 4, Privet Drive. But that wasn't the owl that he had heard.

He tilted his head to the right, lo and behold, there was Apollo, cleaning his feathers on the window ledge of Mrs. Figg's house.

"Apollo!" he whisper-shouted. "Get inside!"

The owl complied, hooting happily as he floated through the window gracefully, and perched on his shoulder.

"I'm not even going to question how you found me... But I've got some letter- what's this?"

He placed his letters that he had written the previous night back on the desk, and observed the envelope attached to the owl's legs.

He gently prised it from Apollo's talons and opened it. Once again, it was Sirius's scrawl.

Wait until later tonight when Harry's aunt, uncle and cousin leave the house. Then, make your way over there. They're picking you up tonight.

I'll be able to tell you about Caym when you get here, but Dumbledore's called me back to headquarters now, I doubt I'll be able to leave again any time soon.

Stay safe, and don't fall off!

Sure enough, later that day, the Dursley's left the house without Harry. Y/N was still pondering what Sirius could have meant when he told him not to fall off. The main problem he had now was getting into Harry's house.

The Son of Mystery - Harry Potter Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now