Chapter 35 - A secret is revealed

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*Is that Jane? Damn, cousin! She is beau-ti-ful! Why didn't you mention how beautiful she is? Come on, now!* 

Sam looks to the side and looks at Blu without moving his head. He asks him, *For real?* 

Jane walks closer. She asks them about how they are doing and says once more, *It's been a while, Sam! I have texted a few times now and still got no answer. Are you okay? You look okay!*

*Yeah, I'm good. Just been dealing with some stuff. I think I'm alright now; don't worry.* 

She looks at Sam suspiciously. 

She has been worried about him for a while, and he is saying everything is alright without smiling for a second. She believes Sam will tell her if he is ready and doesn't want to push him. 

„Sometimes keeping a secret is the best option." She remembers a quote Sam has once told her. 

*Alright, I'm going to pretend to believe it for now. I have news, good and bad. The bad one, you are not going to like!* She announces.

*What is it?* Sam and Lucius both ask and draw closer to her. 

She asks Sam who the *"cute little boy"* is, and he explains their relationship to her: *He is my cousin, my favorite cousin, to be precise. We haven't heard from each other for a while now. The last time was weeks before the „incident." 

He turns to Blu and introduces his friend: *Blu, this is Jane.* 

*Hi, Blu!* 

*Hi, Jane!* They shake hands before Jane pulls him in for a hug.

Blu is surprised. *A hugger... nice!*

He continues, *Wow, you are very beautiful! I love your eyes! No wonder Sam keeps bragging and talking about you!* 

*Soo, Jazz?* He whispers in her ears. 

Jane smiles and blushes like never before. She says, *Wow, aren't you a cute little one?! So, Sam has been bragging about me? That's new, hahaha. Am I That amazing? What does he say?* 

Blu laughs and tells Jane, *Well, he...* 

*One more word, Blu, and you're done! Your sensei will be leaving you!* Sam interrupts. 

Jane bursts out in laughter, *Alright, alright. Wait, sensei? Are you his teacher? Wow, Sam, I really haven't seen you in a while... What are you teaching him?* 

Blu answers for Sam: *He is teaching me to control my powers and stuff. We started today.* 

Jane's eyes widen. *Hmm? You also have powers?* 

*Sure!* Blu says with confidence. Jane can't believe her ears. First, she never has believed in the supernatural, and then her best friend is blessed with them. Now even his little cousin is a supernatural being. She believes there can be no more surprises. 

*Is it a family thing? Does this mean there are millions, or maybe billions, of gifted human beings among us? Man, I'd love to gain just a single ability too!* She says it with her saddest voice. 

Sam looks at her with a serious face. He holds her shoulders and tells her that there is something important he needs to tell her. But first, she has to tell the good and bad news. 

*Yeah, sorry. Alright, good news first! I think the device is done. You know what I'm talking about! How we are going to use it depends on you, but I have a theory on how it should work. It's a navigation and power problem.* 

*And the bad news?* Blu asks curiously. 

*I have been researching and going through documents, conversations, and stuff from my dad since I didn't know if Sam was doing something or if he'd like to do something differrent...* 

*Sorry about that. I'll try my best to not do such things in the future.* Sam apologizes. 

Jane asks him to promise, but he refuses. 

She continues, *I see... Anyways, I found out about a conversation about this dude, who is nothing like a normal person. My dad has also been investigating behind everyone else's back to find out more. His documents state that my dad has been traveling, and throughout this travel stuff, he always met this guy just chilling, like everywhere. Once, he saw him leaving his seat, and he decided to take samples of his DNA as he had been touching everything on his chair. He examined it and found no results. The test results had particles from a very far past; he is just one third human, whatever that means. It had the residues of other individuals in it too. He could only pick out one of the many individuals. And you won't believe it; it traces back to a boy called Lucius King and a man called Jin Fangs. 
The results point out that they are so old that it can't be this Lucius dude, so he stopped investigating. His diary says it is all just fiction, doesn't make sense, and is therefore a useless time waste. But That Jin Fangs is accurate. It's just...* 

*Lucius King... I know him!* Blu shouts out. 

*Isn't he your best friend who hates Jazz because I saved him?* Sam adds. 

Blu confirms Sam's statement: *Yes, that's him, and he has been telling me stories about an ancestor of his. He says this man was burned alive but somehow disappeared in those flames, and no one knows how or why. He also keeps blabbering about being a descendant of the Monkey King. You know, this fictional character with the staff?* 

*There must be some truth behind it!* Sam thinks. Jane tells them that she has been investigating Jin Fangs. 

*He has been imprisoned for some years now, and through my investigations, I found out that he is actually innocent. I have submitted every piece of proof I could find to free him and his friends, who were also falsely accused of murder. I visited the true murder of his sister, who is his uncle. I talked to him for hours. It seems he wanted to turn himself in, but someone forced him not to. He described what this man looked like, and we compared them to my father's files. It turns out it is the same ghost guy. He is afraid to handle things on his own and has asked me to leave it be, but...* 

*Let me guess, you won't, and you want to visit Jin Fangs, right?* Sam asks her. 

Blu smiles suspiciously and looks left and right into Sam and Jane's faces.

*I want to come too! Let's go and visit Jin!* 

Chapter 35, end.


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