Chapter 34 - Train me, cousin!

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It's been a while since Sam has asked Blu what he wants to do with the information given to him.

*Blu? Blu!?!*

Blu gives off the cutest smile and tells Sam that there is no reason to betray him.

*Now that I know that it was you, I don't hate Jazz anymore. I mean, you had your reasons. And after all that you just told me, I have the feeling that Lucius is just a drama queen. Jazz did nothing wrong to make him THIS mad! The news shows this awesome suit of yours. Did you make it yourself?*

Sam's smile ends in laughter. He feels a heavy load lifted off of his shoulders.

*You see, theoretically, Jazz is not just me, you know? We are two people. It's kinda funny that no one has ever noticed the difference between us. I mean, boobs and no boobs?! I guess we are this awesome, perfect team, don't you think so?*

Blu is confused; he asks himself why he claims there are two people. Since when does he have friends—in this context, a girl friend. Sam isn't the type to hang around a girl that much. He knows Sam as the guy who is too shy to have a normal conversation with a woman. He only speaks to or has relationships with women who claim to be his friends and speak to him first. His nervousness around women is extreme! 

*You... and a girl?* He asks.

Blu still doesn't believe it. He asks, *Are you some kind of "Venom" thing? Or is your suit like some living thing or whatever?* He laughs awkwardly.

**WE... ARE... VENOM...** 

Sam jokes around with Blu's "ridiculous" idea. 

*Come on, man! For real? Ight, maybe all this superpower stuff is true and stuff, but come on, aliens? I have never in my life seen one before, so... I can't say.*

The boys stand up and walk around. They joke around for a while until Sam decides to reply to Blu's question.

*With „we," I mean me and my friend Jane.*

**Ouhhh, a girl friend... Your gilfriend? You have a girl? You like girls? You can, love? I thought you were a robot or something, especially since the last time we met. You have become less boring, dude!**

Sam smiles out of embarrassment and eventually bursts out in laughter. He looks around to check if someone is watching or listening to their conversation.

*Wait a second, I thought you didn't need to turn around to see something?!*

Sam laughs awkwardly.

Blu gives him a side eye and says sarcastically, *I ain't judging you... nooope!*

He moves towards Sam, making him uncomfortable.

*Geesh, boy, give me some space now, would you? She is a.. Girl... Friend! And not MY girlfriend, alright? We have been good friends for a while now, and we are both students. At least she was. We are not from the exact same uni, but we have a similar curriculum. Even if I liked her that much, which I don't! There is no chance for me to have her. I don't think I'm on her level. She is way above my league. She is beautiful, smart, rich—her family, naturally beautiful, kind, whatever—shut up!* 

Blu laughs loudly. He holds his tummy and drops to the ground after smacking Sam on the shoulder. After a few minutes, he gains control and takes a deep breath.

*Hey, look! If you want her that bad, why don't you just tell her and see what happens? What could go wrong? The worst that can happen is her saying "no." Besides, why would you bother? You are powerful now. You can do anything you want and go everywhere you want. I don't think a single girl can make you fall so hard. There are beautiful ones out there, one of which you might like more. You know, a soulmate!?* Blu, as young as he is, lectures Sam.

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