Chapter 13 - To the southern south

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Morphius runs to the lower axis of the earth, the south pole.

He is fast. 

With a speed faster than sound, he travels for two days without needing to take a break. His legs give up at the same time Ares starts his hunt.

Jin is proud of him.

*This guy is really fast. And his endurance—next level! The South Pole should be between sixty and seventy thousand kilometers away from Egypt. Impressive!
Well, from a son of Zeus, I wouldn’t expect less! You have to rest now, my friend.* 

While Morphius is resting, Jin decides to train his abilities.

*That's the least I can do for him. 
I think you not being alive yet as a kid means this is how my legacy begins, Silvester. We need to defeat him. Otherwise, we are all going to die out here with no one knowing we even existed. Damn it, time travel! Well, at least I know where to start. The only problem is that I'm not sure when it all becomes my present. I have to figure things out. 
How old will you be at the time I curse you, Silvester? 
Because that should be the time when the beginning ends and the end begins.* 

Silvester tells his father that he will be nineteen years old at the time he gets cursed. He shows his father some of the workouts he was known to do in his glorious days. Jin starts working out immediately after hiding Morphius in a safe space for him to rest. His son joins in on the fun. 

The first few hours, they run around, trying to find snow to build an igloo, but Silvester tells him to build something less northpol-ish. Jin explains that there is nothing that needs to be bound to a single location. He shows his son the piles of snow he has gathered after running around. 

Silvester is not surprised. After all, his father is super fast—much faster than one can imagine. 

He agrees to build an igloo with his father. They spend hours building their first igloo. 

*The first Igloo ever built by us has to be the best one one could ever be able to build. After all, we are gods who will lead people to their freedom, maybe the first to ever attempt to build an igloo. Not many people live here, it seems.* Jin says confidently. 

Silvester laughs as loud as he can. He says,

*Almost a day ago, I had to explain to you how and why you are supposed to be a god, and now you are just saying it like it is nothing new to you.* 

Both men laugh from their hearts. They are done by midnight, and they agree not to decorate anything. It might give out too much information about the future, not meant for their current present. 

The only object that exists in the most beautiful Igloo built for the next two centuries is the bed they end up sharing, and the most beautiful one Morphius alone gets to rest on. 

They sleep deeply for the next twelve hours. Though they have superpowers and an endurance greater than a normal man can have, building such an impressive bungalow-based igloo without ever taking a break at super speed is too much for them.

The next day...

Without washing themselves up after waking up, they go outside their home and run around to figure out how fast they can go. Jin sees something beautiful in his son, something godlike. He warns his son, in case what he sees in him isn't something good. 

Silvester assumes it is something good. He says, *It should be an awakening. I was aware that something was going on with me after I was able to sense Aries. It seems I am awakening my powers. Running a couple of miles faster than an average human was proof enough that I have powers. And now I am awakening to it. This means I am not going to age and die old like a normal human being would, like I always dreamed of. 
My only options are either to give up or accept it and move on.
Dad, even though we haven't spent that much time together yet, I know for sure that I don't hate you. If being immortal means I will always fight with you, then so be it. I will accept it and move on.* 

His father picks up the pace. Silvester gains confidence and tries to catch up to him. He gives his all to achieve one goal: to be faster than his father, who happens to be faster than the man who ran them through two continents in two days. 

Both men are fast—really fast! Silvester is just a quarter of an hour slower than his father at their highest speed. They end up spending their whole day working on their speed. They try something new, using their speed and strength to jump from one location to another, miles away. Jin invents a new skill, the shadow jump, and teaches Silvester the basics.

Shadow jump: This ability is named Jin. While moving at a speed slightly above the speed of sound, one vibrates a hand. The shadow is then pulled towards the user with his aura, and he phases through it. The shadow jump teleports to whoever the user decides to jump with. 
A sorcerer, whether equivalent, skilled, or stronger than the user, can break the rule of administration if he catches up on the shadow on time. 
Navigating through a shadow jump isn’t easy. Passengers or the user himself can end up in a closed room in which moving fast enough to break through is almost impossible unless one is a natural phaser, which also requires a high amount of endurance, assuming the walls are too thick. 
This skill requires good physical and psychological strength and can only be practiced by trained speedsters who can use magic. This skill doesn't require the user to be a natural phaser.

Silvester works on shadow jumping and awakens right after mastering it, all in one day's work. 

He is still a bit slower than his father, but he is satisfied with his day's achievement. A few hours before their first day ends, they can successfully navigate their shadow jump, where they land, when they activate it, and how long it takes to teleport. They have learned how to teleport with other living creatures and objects without losing too much energy. 

Their second day begins with meditation. A ten-hour meditation right after six hours of sleep. They practice to feel the natural energy flowing around them. They breathe air in and out. They feel the dust, vaporized water, and the sound of silence moving around them, all through their imagination. They completely ignore the sound of the wind and the coldness of the snow. They look into each other’s eyes, signaling that it is time to level up. 

They control their pulse and blood flow, only concentrating on what they want to be. The ground slowly vanishes off their buttocks. Snowflakes hardened and powdered from the cold weather get warmed and melt underneath their bodies. Further snowflakes are attracted to the magnetic field they have created around them. 

They close their eyes to focus more on their inner selves. The attracted snowflakes float, creating a hemisphere by moving circularly around and over them in an orbit, letting every single snowflake stay in one orbit without switching, just like planets do around a strong magnetic center like the sun.

Chapter 13, end.


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