Chapter 4 - Dimension

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Grandpa tries explaining to John how absurd his plan truly is. *Hey kid, listen, it isn't that easy to go against the government. What do you think you will be able to do when you get to them? It isn't like the government is just one person sitting upstairs and controlling his country.
As soon as you get one out, you will be a criminal who will be chased for the rest of his life. Worst-case scenario, they will make assassins, really bad people, chase and kill you, just like they did your parents!
They are trained professionals who specialize in killing people, regardless of whether they are innocent or not. They just follow the rules.*

He takes a deep breath and continues, *You are just going to get yourself killed! Even if no one chases you, do you think you've got what it takes to end a person's life? It's not like you've ever killed anyone before; even a chicken is a problem you have to face.*

John waits for Grandpa to finish his speech and asks, *how do you know I can't kill a chicken? Whatever! You know, Grandpa, I'm not your average kid, I have an ace up my sleeves. I'm different! you know?*

Grandpa begins laughing hysterically. *I know your secret, John! I know you aren't human-not a normal human being, to be precise. You have this kind of monstrosity living within you. What did they call it again? Ahh, the Gene-Z. I already know you are mutated.*

John is surprised. He looks left and right; someone might be listening. He asks, *But how do you know? I never told you about any of this! Who are you? You seem weird - suspspiciciiously weird! Do you also work for the government? Lie, and you know what I am capable of!*

His eyes glow lightly red, and he telekinetically pulls up a sharpened rod out of the laboratory basement.

*Calm down, kid!* Grandpa continues, *Well, first of all, the reason why I know this is because of my friend who lived not too long ago. I assume you can figure out why I was allowed to visit him. He was a good friend of your parents and shared some secrets. He told me everything, and even if he didn't, I just saw what you did back then. Second of all, I would never work FOR the government-well, not without a good reason to benefit from it! So you want to know what I do for a living?
Let's just say I tell stories; it's my gift. I am a storyteller, and I am capable of telling you as many stories as the world has to offer.
Like I have lived it before! I can even tell your story.
For now, I want you to live it. Listen, I know you are serious about all this, but right now, you are not the one to be going up against the government.
You are too weak. Plus, the government already has some soldiers with Gene-Z.
Don't worry; YOU are the real one among them for now. The others are just partly YOU because they were all born through YOU!
We don't have the time for me to explain why. When the time is right, you will know; trust me!*

*So what you are trying to say is...?* John asks with a question-marked face.

Grandpa laughs again and tells him, *Kid, I think it is time for you to start a workout. You may have had time to train yourself at your parents' house, but I don't think it was ever enough. I also know I am capable of being a good teacher to help you find out what your true power is. I can help you master every possibility your power has to offer if you let me; I am not that bad at physics.* He winks at John.

John looks confused. He can't quite figure out why an old man could think he has what it takes to help someone as potentially powerful as him.

*Does this old man have abilities like myself? It seems he has this wisdom thing; has he lived through something like this before? He doesn't seem a little bit scared, even after finding out who I am and how high my potential for changing everything is.
Nahh, Johnny, you are thinking too far! He might have been a soldier in his youth or something.
Maybe trusting him isn't a bad thing after all. He knows more than my parents ever did.* He thinks deeply.

*Kid, are you going to say something or...? You have been quiet for almost ten minutes, looking at me as if there is something you are trying to figure out. I need to know what you want, so just say yes already!*

John stops daydreaming and shakes his head after coming back to the real world. He answers, *Old man, I have so many questions I have to ask you. You are giving me this kind of mystery-guy vibe. But until I have all the answers I need, I am willing to accept you as my teacher and master. It's a yes!*

Grandpa smiles after hearing his decision and tells him, *Well, whatever your questions are, I am willing to answer them. Just know, there are things I can't tell you now. Even an open book has a hidden message. We are going to train hard from now on. I am going to make you one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. First, tell me, what exactly is your ability about? What have you found out about your power? Is it an elementary power?*

John is confused, again! *What do you mean by „my actual ability" and "elementary"? I can pull and push objects like magnets or two magnets; in cartoons, they call them teli, telo, telilelokineses. It changes and gets stronger day after day.
Lately, I figured out I can sense the living aura, now also the dead ones.
I also remember the aura of people I have been around and connected to before my senses were activated.
I don't forget easily, like a picture stuck in an album.
Oh, and also the time I was angry like crazy; it felt like I was in this place-not Earth or on any other planet-I don't know, weird!*

Grandpa looks shocked and asks, *What color did you see? How long did it feel to be there?*

John thinks about what he saw while out. *Ummmmm, wait, let me think. I think the color was something orange, red, or white-ish, and I was in there for about an hour or so. I don't know, it felt like time had passed, but at the same time it was like time wasn't there, and I could move a bit. It doesn't make much sense, I know.*

Grandpa looks amazed. He draws closer and then tells him, *Kid, I think my theory about dimensions is true.
Either you created a dimension by yourself or you entered one out of reach. That's amazing!
We can focus on getting you there.
What do you think?*

Chapter 4, end.


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