Chapter 15 - A new god - Part II

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Ares is trying to find out what caused him to feel strange last night.

He asks his brother why he intended to train instead of running.

Morphius ignores the question and tells his brother that there is no need to pick a fight and kill him. If his desire is to kill him, he should kill him as fast as possible and let his new friends go.

He lays his head on a stone and pleads with his brother to cut his head off, like in a normal execution.

Ares disagrees. He answers, *I already informed you, brother. None of you is ever going to see the next day.
These mortal men dared to interfere, and therefore are not worthy of my mercy. Though I would like

to call my powerful self-killing both mercy.
Be glad, for your lives are going to be taken by me, the son of Zeus. It is I, Ares, the glorious one who will take you out of this miserable life.
Before you have been given mercy, I need to know who you are. Where are you from?*

There is a long, awkward silence; no one is willing to give Ares the answer he is looking for.

He sighs...

And shouts...

He rushes to hold on to his brother's neck, lifting him with just one hand. He begins shedding tears and explains that this is the first time he has ever shed tears for someone, for he has just begun to love the brother every elder of the family hates and wants dead.

Jin shouts at Ares, telling him he should pick a fight with someone his size.

Ares laughs loudly as he tosses Morphius to the side like a bag-pack.

*Someone my size, huh? Do you realize I am the strongest one amongst you?
Should he die... If he dies, not a single one of you will stand a chance, for I might have fun killing you with just one finger to my sword.*

Jin looks into his eyes and frowns. It is the dumbest thing he has ever heard in his life. How can someone hold his sword and swing it with only one finger?

Ares continues, *You are blessed with knowledge. Of course, I am not going to kill you with this sword.* He points to the sword attached to his back. *What I am going to kill you with is a weapon one can only imagine. You shall be the first mortal beings to witness it.*

He points with his index finger up to the sky, back to Jin, and then up one last time. His finger turns dark; it then starts to spark into blue and white. A red-orange flame bursts out of his finger and turns into a pure blue-purple flame.

A flaming sword...

His sword grows to the equivalent of twice his arm's length.

To show off, he walks to the right and slices the rock he threw his brother against.

*You see, this is what I meant by „one finger"?
It's impressive, isn't it? So which one of you would like to taste the beautiful artwork first?*

He leaps towards Jin and shouts, *Well then... I like you! I choose you!*

To avoid losing an arm, Jin jumps to the left and returns to his previous position. Ares' face gets to taste Jin's fist first. It drags him through the snow.

*You didn't see that one coming, now did you?* Jin gives a devilish smirk.

The edge of Ares' mouth is bleeding. He notices a liquid run down his chin and wipes it off after coughing out the blood that has built up.

*You seem tougher than I assumed. Impressive. A mortal has made me bleed for the first time in a long while. It seems you are also gifted with strength.*

Silvester and Morphius stand behind Jin, creating an isosceles triangle. They are waiting for Ares to make his next move.

Ares enrages. He pulls out his sword and drags it towards Jin. *I wanted to have some short-lasting fun and return to the golden city. Now* he says with a very high pitch.

He cleanses his throat and tries one more time.

*Now I am just angrier, and to be honest, I am going to enjoy killing you, more than I promised myself to be pleased with.*

He slowly raises his sword as it starts glowing white, with a light black aura flowing in a spiral form around it. He takes a huge leap and swings his sword. In an instant, he appears behind Morphius, who hasn't yet realized when he disappeared.

Jin, however, follows every movement and pulls a staff with three rings on one end. The other end is blurred with darkness. It flows up to the rings as he swings it.

Ares' chest was severely damaged by the attack.

He screams from the pain.

*Don't be a crybaby; barely grazed your body!!*

Ares slowly pulls off his hand from the damaged area to check out his wound.

*What did you do to me? Ngh!
Who are you?
How is this possible?
Ugghhhhh - I thought the weapon to kill a true god only existed as one whole piece. Other than that, only my sword can be used after the conditions are fulfilled.
You shouldn't be able to have it. It is hidden from everyone, and I do not think it looks like this.
You have the forbidden tool!!
I give you my god's word to never come after your friends. Just go as far away from me as possible!*

Jin doesn't care about anything anymore. He is only thinking about finishing Ares.

*It is your final breath that you are going to take now. Take as much as you can.*

Silvester stretches his arms towards Ares and flexes his palms, making him unable to move an inch on his own.

*What is happening?
Who are you?*

Jin walks slowly and holds his staff firmly.

He says in a calm tone, *I am from the future, and I am also going to bury the bad gods myself so human beings can live in peace. Wherever you are going, I know every god will see you before you get there. I hope there is a Walhalla for you to go to...*

He shadow jumps and reappears behind Ares; he whispers into his ears and causes him to shiver.

*Tell them there is a new god.
I am the monkey king, and this is my staff of freedom.
Remember my last words to you and make every one hear of me!!*

He drives his staff slowly through his heart.

Ares starts dissolving into golden, silver particles that float away like flowers in an autumn wind. His sword drops off and bounces until it lays low.

*And also, I am from the future.. which I already said, damn it! I just destroyed the whole speech thing!!!*

Chapter 15, end.


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