Chapter 19 - A succesfully failed plan

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Anansi understands everything he has found out through the oracle. His time of living and exploring freely should be over soon, he believes.

He, Silvester, and Jin agree to a plan with the highest success rate.

They split up.

Silvester rushes for the upper part of the planet, while Anansi takes the lower part.

Jin heads towards Olympia and works on hiding his presence. He trusts his plan to not be noticed on this mission. *Should Odin or Zeus notice me... Why am I even thinking about this? They haven't officially banned me from entering the realm!* He calms down.

His new training is about hiding his presence while shadow-jumping. The only problem with his plan is that he has been up there before but never long enough to memorize every part of it. He has only had a glimpse of what the gods' realm looks like; therefore, he needs a good plan to give him time to memorize the most important corners. He needs to get from one side to the other in just a few minutes.

As soon as he arrives at Olympia, he travels through the gateway to the gods' realm.

It is larger than the area of thousands of earths combined. Every god has his own realm. The realm is filled with multiple individuals. The gods reside far from each other, and none can teleport from one side to another without using specific gates.

Jin notices the impossibility of shadow-jumping out of the realm.

*Perfect, just as I thought! There is no getting out of here without a gateway. The plan should work just fine. Ok, I don't have that much time to spare—damn, this place is huge! It's like a plate, a flat foundation, just like the stories tell. Ok, I think that side should be it, the second and last gateway home—who is that?* He asks.

Jin stops and thinks for a second.

*He will notice me and alarm the others. I need to get out of here real quick. No, he has to go! Should I merge with him?
No! Merging takes a lot of time. Just kill and hide him!*

He shadow-jumps towards a guard assigned to the gates, stabs him with his staff, takes the guard's sword, and absorbs it through his palms.
The guard dissolves partially. The reason for this is his nature. Only a god dissolves under Jin's staff. A normal human might just die and leave behind a fleshbag.
A guard's purpose is to guard and nothing more.
Only his "flesh" has godly properties. His bones remain after the godly side disappears.

He tosses him away as far as he can, stretches the arms apart, and spins around, pulling every power there is in their area as well as the energy powering up the gateway. It seals after a few seconds and disappears.

*Time to go!*

Jin runs at his fastest towards the last door, and Shadow jumps through it.

The same moment at a different location...

Heimdall from Asgard is standing in front of his gates as a skeleton flies from above, landing at his feet. He looks curiously at it and recognizes a symbol on its skull.

*Hmm, a guard from the lower gates to Olympia. This means war. Which god dares to eliminate him? Which one dares to break the agreement? I should have broken the rules and watched over this realm! Odin and Thor need to know!*

Back to the last gateway...

Jin hides once more; a different guard is standing in front of the last gate.
He thinks about sealing the door from the inside, but it is impossible; the gateway draws power from the physical world down below.

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