Chapter 26 - The solution

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*Sam, the last time you wanted to come visit me, I waited for you, and you never came.* Jane asks.

**I'm sorry, something came up, and I have told you this several times. I'm sorry! I'm here now; this counts too, right?** Sam gives a sincere apology. With his shaky voice, Jane can feel how much it means to him and doesn't ask further questions.

*Maybe it was an emergency, like something serious...* She thinks. *... first of all, this needs to stay closed until the time is right. He doesn't need to know about it yet.* She closes the safe and locks it.

Sam accepts the fact that he isn't going to get any explanations about her suit. He does not want to start an argument and leans back on the bed, holding up his body by placing both hands behind his buttocks.

Jane bites the edge of her lower lip. *The way you are sitting and staring at me right now—are you flirting with me? Not that it matters, tho...* She rolls her eyes to the side.

**You wish, what if I did?** He teases her, and makes her blush.

She coughs out of embarrassment. She pushes up her cheeks and chooses to change the subject; *Soooo, what is so urgent?*

Sam laughs. He lays back further and stares at the high ceiling. *It's just... I was thinking about „super powers,"  you know?* He shrugs his shoulders and waves both hands around, randomly.

Jane smiles. She turns away for a few minutes and turns back around with a serious face.

She doesn't think he's crazy; she knows something!

She walks towards Sam and places her hands on his shoulders to pull him towards her.

*Super powers? You believe in them, too? I always thought that you were joking around, but you really do believe in them, don't you? Why haven't you ever told me about your passion for them? Your eyes are glowing. This is true passion!*

Sam scratches his scalp and tells her that he has been telling her about superpowers ever since the day they met.

*Calm down, Jane! You've already heard it several times.*

**Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean you believed in them, tho. I could also be talking about the Greek gods and stuff, but that doesn’t mean I believe in them. Okay, that’s a bad example because they don’t exist, and that’s a fact!**

Sam doesn’t agree with her statement.

*Why should superpowers exist but not gods or Greek gods? Do you also not believe that God exists?*

With her female intuition, she senses negative emotions from Sam.

*Ok, just hear me out, OK? I never believed in superpowers. As you know, for me, the only superpower in existence for humanity was technology. Technology should have been the only great superpower to exist. The only thing missing in the equation and in the statement was the "invisible" connection from one medium to the other.
That was the only thing that motivated me enough to work on your idea, well, theory, and I achieved the goal.
I did everything... perfectly. I said to myself, „Sam is going to be really proud of me. He might look weirdly when I show him my superpower. He might even be able to blush through his dark skin.“ It made me happy, and it seems like it was the first step for me to see reality.
For the first time in my life, I saw something unexplanable. I saw someone do the impossible. It was a young boy; he was playing with a flame, Sam, a flame that came out of his bare hand and shot it against his friend, who didn’t even seem to be bothered about it. He just slapped it out of the way, also with his bare hand!
It wasn’t the only weird thing I have seen so far; there are much more out there, good and bad.* She frowns and looks steadily over Sam's head. She is serious about what she is saying. *What if there is no one out there who could stop the bad ones? Someone has to do something!*

Sam knows what she is trying to say. He knows that she wants to be a hero and that she has already started it. He is worried about her and pulls her to lay beside him. He places his palms on the back of his head and lays on them.

*Stop it, Jane! It's enough! I have the feeling that you are talking about heroism. Imagine a world full of heroes and villains. You have seen the movies and series, right? You now know you were wrong, and there are many new things out there that might or might not be beyond your understanding. Of course, it might have been the first step into seeing what reality is, and I don’t doubt you; I believe you are telling the truth.
You are telling me it is some kind of step into figuring out new steps; you are smart enough to put things together and finally admit that there are such forces as gods and God with the capital "G." I don’t think we need to be arguing about this fact.
You have found out what they are capable of. I want to tell you not to even think about dealing with them, but somehow, I have the feeling that you want to play a hero. Just stop! Cancel that thought! There isn’t going to be anything hero-ing for you. You are going to get yourself hurt, and I don’t like the thought of it, so just don’t, ok? Please!*

What tension! You could cut it with a knife...

Jane is totally quiet; she doesn’t say a word. She understands Sam’s feelings, he cares for her.

*I’m sorry for pushing myself in too deep,* he says. *I was hoping you would help me try out different things, like from the comics, sci-fi, and stuff where most of them have accidents to trigger their powers. I thought it would be "fun,"  relatively. I get it if you don't want to do it.*

Jane shushes him and agrees to help him out. She asks him to follow her to her workshop, and she shows him something amazing.

*I had these dreams where I built something like this but never found out what I had to do with it. It was always just a plan, and I built everything I saw. Never tested it out before, and I don’t know what it does. But assuming you somehow, for some reason, do have some kind of superpower, this might be the key to finding it out. It's just a theory, I don’t know. Wanna try?*

Sam nods.

*What do I do?*

Jane opens up the machine. Inside is a chamber in which only a person can lay down. She remembers all the controls she has seen in her dreams. She pushes every button, pulls every lever there is, and closes the chamber. She then connects with her personal AI assistant.

*Ok, Sam, it is ready. Are you ready for some fun?* Sam shouts, *Yes! But will it hurt?*

Jane answers with *no* and then *yes*, followed by *maybe*.

She has yet to find out how the machine is going to work.

She whispers, *with or without a change, I hope you don’t die or become cocky—I love you, and I hope one day you will see it and do the same too.*

She pushes the last button on her computer after entering the command station and locking the doors.

Chapter 26, end.


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