Chapter 6 - The glowin' event

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*What the hell is this? It feels so strange, yet so awesome! I feel like I can do everything I want to do. Wait, I am glowing like a star, the hell? I can’t move! I feel like I'm stronger, but somehow I can‘t move! Damn it, Blu, what the hell did you do to me? Nothing—literally nothing... I was, and I am stronger than you! Why am I only speaking inside my head? Ok, now try using your mouth like you always do. You were always good at it. Come oonn!!*

A moment later...

Lucius moans, *My back hurts; it's unbearable! It feels like something is coming out of it—my glorious, beautiful back! Ngh! arghh!* He keeps shouting inside his head.

*Why is no one helping me? Why are they all frozen? This isn't the time to practice your acting skills. Wait, my shoe; it has been mid-air since a while ago. Could it be that I have frozen time? Is it standing still? No, they are moving, but pretty slowly. Damn it! I don’t get it. What the hell? That light is a person! How did a person flash by like that? This is impossible! Wait, me too! I am somehow impossible, like him. I mean, I can manipulate fire out of thin air, and I'm strong as fuuuuu.*

The object flashing by is a man. He slowly turns his head to look at Lucius. Time is moving slowly, and the man is flashing by fast. His eyes are glowing, *just like Blu's eyes. Just, Blu's eyes glow pure bluuueee... waaaaiiiit a minute. B-L-U...* he begins to spell, *and his eyes glow B-L-U-E.*

Lucius is noticing something about his comrade.

*Are you kidding me!?! Wait, focus! This one’s eyes are glowing white-ish; there is more to it. They aren’t glowing the same color. Is he a god, like the Monkey King? I feel so different than I normally do. It is like being around Blu, or at least how it feels when he activates his powers. That bastard! Damn it! I am thinking about how damn cool he can be in this kind of situation!? It makes me feel angrier than I already am right now. Hey, awesome ass dude. I know you probably can’t hear me right now. Who the hell are you, and where do you come from? Ugh Whatever, Just help me, Geesh!!*

The glowing man starts moving towards Lucius and places his index finger on his lips. Lucius should remain calm. He stands in front of Lucius and holds onto his shoulders. Lucius' glowing begins to fade. His vision becomes clear enough for him to partially see the stranger's face. His fingers begin to twitch.

To be continued...

Let’s jump back ages before...

Lucius is born into a normal family. His father is a doctor, and his mother is a college teacher. During the first few days after his birth, everything seemed normal. How he acts, how he smiles, how he shouts out, crying as a baby boy... He learns to talk, much earlier than any baby would.

At the age of two, he starts showing some signs of abnormality. Every time his mother tries to give him a drink, he always refuses to drink. Each time, the cup vibrates lightly for a few seconds, almost unrecognizable, at least for his mother. This keeps going on and becomes more recognizable as he grows up and gets stronger.

On his ninth birthday, his mother, knowing her son hates tomato juice, gives him a big bottle of it as a gift. Lucius, without hesitation, squeezes the bottle without needing to touch it. He squeezes as hard as possible until it reaches the highest pressure and bursts, spraying everyone in the room with red, sweet, and tomato juice.

His mother finally figures out that her son isn’t that normal after all. He is a freak!

*But he is still my son, and I still love him*, she says.

She blames herself for trying to pull a prank on him every single year with the same prank, which never ends well. It is all her fault for making him like this. A few days after the birthday, she decides to have a mother-son day with her son.

*Lucius, I have a story to tell you. It is much like a family history that was supposed to be buried a long time ago. Just listen to what I am going to tell you. No matter what path you choose after that, I will always support you!*

Chapter 6, end.


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