Chapter 31 - Jazz - Part III

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Sam and Jane travel through space and appear in a cabinet at the very end of the women's washroom.

*Whaaaaaat?!?!* Jane shouts right before she covers Sam's mouth with both hands. She asks him why they aren't in Jane's bedroom. Sam mumbles. After all, his mouth is covered.

Jane asks, *Our being here means that you have been here before, am I right? What were you doing in here?*

She let's go of Sam's mouth, allowing him to answer the question.

*Umm, I was here not too long ago. I needed to urinate really badly, and the boy's washroom was full, so I decided to release my liquids here as there were no girls inside after I yelled out, asking if there was someone in here.*

He continues...

*But why the hell did you come up with the question? You know, you can be really random at times!*

He laughs loudly, pulls Jane, and takes a leap forward.

They reappear in Jane's bedroom.

*It worked! Jane, it worked! We are here! You were right! Oh man, you are a genius! He shouts and kisses her on the left cheek.

Awkward silence...

Jane blushes.

Sam holds her hand tightly. They travel back to his room.

He jumps onto his bed and takes a deep breath. His sweat is noticeable.

*Sam, are you sweating?* she asks.

Sam's forehead and armpits are soaked with sweat, and he is shaking.

He has the worst cramps ever!

He tries playing cool to convince Jane that everything is alright. She, however, doesn't believe a word he is saying.
She argues, *Bro, you are out of breath and sweating like hell. You can't tell me this is a normal thing for you. Cuz you, ma guy, you aren't feeling well. Or is it because of the women's washroom? Wait, is it because it was something you would rather not let anyone know? Awww, you are embarrassed! We could just pretend I never knew a thing. Though it really won't be easy to forget you had to use the women's washroom, hahaha!* She laughs hesterically.

Sam is embarrassed. He moans out of pain and asks her to get him some magnesium pills and a glass of water. He explains to her that it is never the reason why he is weak.

*I'm almost all dried out. It takes too much energy to jump. I don't think it's a skill I want to be using frequently, or at all! My body can't withstand the stress. Imma stick to the traditional running stuff. One day, I should be fast enough to break the barrier through speed. Theoretically, it shouldn't drain that much energy.*

Jane sits on the floor and tries to make sense of what Sam says. She nods slowly and agrees, *I think you are right, Sam! I mean, doing it just like this is like pressing a saw against the object you are trying to cut. Now, should the saw not be sharp enough, this would mean that you would damage it. But with the right amount of speed and precision, it all becomes easier. This makes a saw for wood capable of "harming" metal.*

Sam is impressed by her example. For an uncountable, forgotten amount of time, he tells her how amazing her way of thinking is.

*Quick to understand and quick to find an easier explanation. Damn, you amaze me more every time we hang out.*

Jane blushes intensively.

She giggles, curls her hair behind her right ear, and says, *jeeez, always quick with those compliments. You're making me blush right now. Thank you!*

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