Chapter 3 - Breaking a promise

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John has just arrived at his parent's house. Seeing them on their laboratory floor makes him burst out of rage, and his eyes glow red. Everything made out of glass shatters under pressure.

40 minutes before John's arrival

The governor is at Richardson's, a few years after his last visit, and asks about the project.

Charity tells him that 16 years aren't enough to figure out an effective way to generate the new gene and asks him why he hasn't waited for a year before checking up on them.

The governor is angry. He asks about the project three more times, ignoring every word Charity says. She informs her husband about the issue with the governor. Mr. Richardson, knowing what they have done, gets a bad feeling about the whole situation and walks upstairs to talk to the governor before losing her temper.

*Mr. Governer, just as my wife has tried explaining the situation to you, it is very hard to generate this gene within a human cell. We have already lost hundreds of soldiers' lives. What else do you want us to do?
We can't just risk so many lives.
We need to be sure every single mistake made in the previous experiment is solved before we move on to the next patient.*

The governor becomes angrier and shouts, *DO YOU THINK I'M THAT STUPID? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?*

After shouting, he calms down and continues with a calm but arrogant tone: *Ok folks, I get it. I get you are really smart and all, but both of you are stupid if you thought I wouldn't find out you have finally finished my work. You see these handsome young men right here on my left-hand side? These are my assassins, my spies.* He points to a group of armed men standing in the right corner.

He can't even tell his left and right!!

*They are really good at their work and have been following your work for the past 4 years, right when my gut told me you were done with my project. Also, I know you have my brave soldiers working under you, but they still belong to me! You broke our contract, and it is time to pay.
Your lives and life's work are now mine-the government's. Don't worry; we never planned to leave you alive after finishing my work.
It was going to end the same way either way. Too bad you don't have any near relatives or a kid, because they would have joined you too. Damn, too bad! Anyway, no matter what you do right now, you aren't going to leave this building alive, so just don't try doing anything stupid, ok? Have a nice life. Oh, wait, I meant the afterlife, assuming there is one* He tries laughing like a villain but rather chokes on his spit.

How can one be so incompetent!?

He takes every entry from their file and asks the mutated soldiers to follow him.

The assassins walk to the entrance of the building after the governor leaves and kill everyone who isn't willing to follow them. They kill Mr. and Mrs. Richardson after letting them watch the tragedy, and they disappear instantly.

Back to the present

John is quite after his rage. He walks back upstairs, then runs around the town, hoping to find the killer of his parents. Rather, not walking far away from the wrecked home, he finds Grandpa sitting on an ice sofa. John is surprised to see him this far away from home.

He asks Grandpa if there is a reason why he would go this far from his home. *Well, one of my young friends I befriended not too long ago lives here; he lives here.
He was one of the lab rats, and this couple used to do whatever they were doing. Normally, he chats with the couple on their break, but today, just before I was about to enter these surroundings, I saw this jerk from the government with whom I have had issues before.
There, I decided to stay away, but not too far away to find out what was happening inside the building. I heard and saw almost everything. I assume you have something to do with these people. Are you, by any chance, related to them? Parents or siblings of your parents? But if you are somehow their kid, then boy, you really need to leave town or the country fast! This is not a joke! Oh, I heard they never had the time to make children; forget what I just said*

John looks into his eyes and asks, *Can I trust you with something important?*

*Yes of course; to me, you can tell everything. I mean, who is going to believe an old man anyway now that my brother is gone?*

John smiles with pain in both eyes and continues, *Yeah, I don't know about that, but I think I can trust you. So, I am the child of the couple who ran this building. I am their son! To the outside world, I don't exist, not as part of their family.
They prepared everything for my life, so nothing like this happens.
My parents always told me they did it to protect something special so that one day, if something went wrong, I would be safe. To be honest, I never knew what they could've meant by „if something was to go wrong," but now I think I get it.
Now that I'm seeing this, I know that nothing they ever told me or warned me about was a fairy tale or a lie. It was a real-life crisis. I know you had other reasons for coming here, but thank you very much for being here. I needed that. I would've gotten out of control one more time and killed innocent lives around this area. You are the only person here. Too much time has passed. The killers must be far gone by now, so there is no need to chase them anymore. I do know what I have to do now.
I will make them pay for what they did.
I will destroy their roots and make them burn in hell!
I will be their reaper!!!*

Chapter 3, end.


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