Chapter 12 - Zeus' sons

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Jin, Silvester, and the son of Zeus have been rushing out as quickly as they can for the past two minutes.

Right before they reach the exit...

Jin asks the stranger for his name. He answers, *Morphius is the name given to me, and thus shall be the name you will be allowed to call me.*

Jin sighs loudly, again. He sighs one last time-a long sigh. He eventually starts laughing and tells Morphius, that his way of speaking is ridiculous.

He stops running and shouts at Morphius, asking him, *Hey, you! You claim to be the son of Zeus, but I haven't ever heard of him having a son named Morphius. So are you going to tell me what your lie is all about? Start by telling us who you really are!*

Morphius is confused, *I do not lie and don't intend to do such a disgust! I am the firstborn of Zeus. Also, I am the first demi-god ever to walk on this fertile ground. My existence was to be kept from every living thing. My father himself never had the honor to meet me, nor was he ever told he had a son half-descending from his slaves. My mother suffered an eternity of her life, keeping me hidden for as long as she could, but at some point Zeus, as smart as he is, found out about me. I am much older than I look. All a mortal son like yourself should know is that I am almost twice as old as a normal being should be. My flesh doesn't age fast enough to make my age noticeable. I am running from my brother, the well-known brother, Ares. He has killed most of my siblings.
Perseus and I, Morphius, seem to be the last ones he hasn't killed yet. I think Perseus is still alive because he has been kept safe by my father; it is more like he is pretending not to know him. He now goes by Percy Jackson.*

Jin is surprised. *So that's why history never talked about you. You aren't supposed to exist, ever!*

He starts moving and continues, *Even if so, it seems like you will be killed before any man finds out who you are and that you are really important to history-not really to history, but whatever, I guess? So our first enemy is Ares, huh? He must be really powerful. I think I can take him on. He doesn't bring me out of my comfort zone. It will be hard to break him down, though.*

Morphius laughs as Jin talks about his plan to take down Ares. Jin isn't happy about him laughing as loud as he is and asks him what is funny about anything he is saying.

Morphius answers, *Mortal man, I do not think that you have the gift to be strong enough to face my brother. Even I, his brother of the same blood, and my siblings, may they rest in peace, will never reach his power. Both you and this man here are going to die if you stay with me! He should be here any moment now. You mentioned something important; what do you mean by history and that no one will know m... *

Right before finishing his question, he gets hit in the tummy with a powerful punch. *uurrghhh!!!* The wielder of the punch drags him away from Jin and Silvester, hitting the cave walls. Jin isn't impressed by the power and speed behind the overwhelming presence. His head is still facing Morphius' recent location, while his eyes are following Morphius as he gets pulled away.

*huh*, he whispers. *Well, I have to admit, this dude is really powerful, damn! Just look at how a god's son was blown away with just one strike. Hey you! I'm guessing you are Ares or whatever. What is your issue with this dude? And why are you killing all your siblings? Answer me!*

Ares quickly turns around and looks at Jin. He breathes out powerfully and asks, *Who are you, and how does a mortal man like yourself know who and what I am?
How dare you command me?! You pathetic creatures are meant to know your place and kneel before a powerful presence like mine! Your bravery to talk upon me shall be rewarded right before your life is taken out of this world.
My father, the almighty, powerful Zeus, trained me to be one of the strongest warriors known to man!
I am the strongest child, and I intend to prove it to all. I find peace in taking what I want and destroying everything beneath me, trying to put itself above me.
Father was once mad about my behavior, killing his „beloved beings." He imprisoned me for that, instead of being proud to have a son like I am.
Eventually, he gave up after finding out he had a son, a demi-god who lived alongside his playthings. He found out his "first son" wasn't the first after all.
He set me free and asked me to find out who this child was disguised as. "Find him and then break him!" were his words. Well, with break, he always means killing, just so you lower creatures know what someone as mighty as us is speaking of.
I was mad, really mad. He imprisons me for an eternity and commands me to do his bidding. I wanted to pay him back, but I did not know how.
My siblings tried stopping me, believing the imposter would grow up to be mighty. They thought he would become strong enough to face our father and rebuild the relationship between us gods and the lower beings.
As for me, I do not let anyone tell me what to do, except sometimes my father, because... yeah, so I killed them all, returning them to the ashes. They are now spending their non-existence in the chaos of existence.*

He walks towards Jin and stretches his arms, showing his presence and dominating the atmosphere. He says, *I have no fun killing lower beings like you without you having the chance to beg for mercy. I will give you two suns. Run as fast as you can and never look back.

He turns around and looks at his brother. He changes his mind and says, *Maybe I should let my brother in on this deal, but I think he might be fast enough to make it harder for me. Whatever, it is more fun to see all the fear in his eyes after I find him.*

He looks up and takes a deep breath.

*Mhhhh, it will be refreshing. I am going to have fun breaking you all apart. He will finally find his place in the beloved chaos. As for you, I do not know where your final destination will be. You are of no meaning to the existence of chaos. I will finally head back home and enjoy myself. Or maybe, I will try getting stronger, stronger than my father and then kill him. Will it be to my satisfaction? Or do I just destroy the realm of the gods? Before you run for your lives, Answer me this. What and who are you? You are not from this world, strangers! I feel a familiar force upon you, but...*

Morphius rushes to them, grabs them by their collar, and runs out of Egypt.
He runs until his legs stop him, traveling almost halfway across the planet.
He falls and passes out after being fully drained. Jin grabs him and Silvester. He phases through the ground.

Chapter 12, end.


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