Chapter 1 - The Richardsons

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The year 2023

Mr. Richardson, a scientist who loves his job, has found out about a way to manipulate the human gene. He talks with his wife, Charity, about his discovery. Both Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are scientific geniuses who specialize in human biology and genetics-the best every history book will ever talk about.

A few weeks after their discovery, a governor visits and assigns them to mutate soldiers. He talks to the sweet couple with pride in a manipulative tone. *Well, well, I heard that my favorite scientists have finally found out how to manipulate the human gene-just as I always trusted you would do.*

Mr. Richardson, surprised and confused, asks the proud governor, *Why do you think... I mean, how did you find out what we achieved? We know no one in this city, and I haven't even written an article about my discovery yet.
Mr. Governor, could it be that the government is spying on our private lives? We trusted that everyone offline had privacy they could live with. Or is this one of the many lies you make people believe? Hmm, who the hell could be close enough to us to be able to find exactly this information? It's stressing me out! At least give me answers, Mr. Governor!*

The governor is mad. *Who the hell do you think you are to be giving me commands like that?!* he shouts and adds, *Even if I were willing to give you any information, now that you have shown me how disrespectful you can be, I wouldn't anymore, Mark!
So listen, without arguing too much, this is an order and a mission you have to fulfill!
We have assigned potential soldiers to sacrifice their lives and make this work. You are going to use them all, and then, after finishing your magic trick, give us your formula. I will check in on you once every year, and don't even think about messing with me, or else everyone you have known dies with you! Have a wonderful life!* The governor leaves with a wide smile on his face.

Later, at the governor's office

The governor is thinking about what happened at the Richardsons. His real mission from the government is to get the Richardsons to mutate soldiers for one simple reason. To rule over every country and create one government for the entire world. The idea is to eliminate the "split" governments of the other countries and become godlike.
The governor realizes a letter of apology is needed to seal their plan. He thinks of an excuse to apologize for his rudeness.

The letter explains a secret plan for helping mankind evolve. The U.S. government has decided to start with continent H and work its way through the others. The biggest plan is to mutate human beings to an extent, to live longer, and to conquer various planets and make them habitable. Human beings should be strong enough to face any threat without dying out. This will be a game changer, an invention or discovery that will surpass every generation to ever exist.

Of course, almost everything the letter says is a lie. The government will do anything, even kill and lie to people, just to achieve its dirty, nasty goals. The mission is named Mission Zed, meta-mutated superhuman. „Gene Z".

At the Richardsons

Mr. Richardson, after reading the governor's letter, asks his wife, *Charity, love, what do you think about the government's idea? Do they have the best intentions to help mankind evolve?
I have this bad feeling about it.
What does your intuition tell you?
I think it's finally time to have the son we were planning on having. He should be the first Gene Z and make things better.
I put my trust in him. He might be one of the chosen, as this thing in my dream had written on it.
I have an idea. How about we ask Jacob and Marine to have this child as their own and raise him, just in case things run out of hand and everything starts getting bad?
What do you think, Charr?*

Charity is impressed by her husband's master plan and asks him how he knows their child will be a boy. Her husband answers, *Just a feeling, love, just a feeling.*

They visit and talk with Jacob and Marine, a couple unable to bear fruit, to see if they are ready and willing to have their baby after his birth and being gifted with the Gene Z.

Jacob, without hesitation, accepts the offer with all terms and conditions to make the child theirs and love him for the rest of their lives.

Chapter 1, end.


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