Chapter 46- Leon

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We were silent until Kyle left the room completely. During that time she put all her clothes on, which I'm glad for. Her body was irresistible. I don't know how their conversation started but I was fucking glad. I had planned on talking to her because I was kinda tired of using our bodies over our words.

Not like I had initiated conversations so I was also to blame for the terrible communication. Her cheeks were tear stained as I studied her face. Coming home to find Carmen around the women that I loved was horrifying. Carmen had a way with words. She knew how to tear someone with mere words and I know what she said hurting my girl.

I went to her and took her hand leading her to the couch chairs by the window. I turned them to face each other before leading her to sit before I took the chair across from her.

"Let me apologize to you first. Carmen should have never been here or known where I lived. I called my mom who has always seen the best in people and believed Carmen when she told her it she wanted to make things right with me. So she gave her our address. I'm so so sorry that happened. I will make sure security knows to never let her come near you again." I started. Ebony reached out and grabbed my hands.

"Leon." She stopped me, I couldn't read her expression but she seemed pained. "Leon, I was a bit frazzled but you have never made me feel like any of the things she said. And you reassured me multiple times. You don't have to apologize. I know your mom is a wonderful lady and would never do anything to hurt us." She came out of her chair and knelt on her knees in front of me.

Tears welled up in her eye, and a wave of emotion washed over me. "I love you, Leon," she blurted out, her voice cracking. "I didn't even know if I understood what love was until I met both of you. I feel awful that all this terrible stuff happened, and I put you both in danger. It's eating me up inside. You both have so much to live for, so many people counting on you that-" her voice broke, unable to continue, I could see the weight of her guilt overwhelming her.

I kneel down in front of her, my heart pounding in my chest, and interrupt her before she can finish. "Don't, Ebony," I choke out, my voice thick with emotion. "Bad things happen, but I'd rather have faced them with you than have you deal with them alone. If we hadn't been there..." I trail off, unable to finish the sentence, the thought of her being hurt or worse was something that still kept me up at night.

"Please, whatever guilt you're carrying, drop it," I pleaded, wiping the stray tears off her cheeks. "I would risk my life for you a hundred times over. I will always do my best to protect you. I would give up my life for yours because that's how much I love you." She was openly sobbing now, and I pulled her into my arms, my heart breaking knowing she had been carrying so much guilt.

I waited patiently as she released all her pain through tears, knowing I couldn't let any confusion or miscommunication go like this again. She must have been miserable these last few weeks. I know I had been. I lost track of time as she cried in my arms; when I finally looked up, it was dark outside and the only light came from the hallway. Her sobs had turned into sniffles, and I gently shifted so I could see her face.

"Are you going to be okay, my sweet girl?" I asked softly. She managed a smile, perhaps the first genuine one I'd seen in weeks.

"Yes," she croaked, her voice raspy from crying. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her. She moaned into my mouth wrapping her arms and legs around me. I stood and sat back in the chair her body pressed into mine. Her kisses got my so fucking hard and I know she felt it to. She broke the kiss and looked at me.

"You know that question you asked me a few weeks ago when we were looking at the fifth floor in your office?" She asked rolling her hips against my cock, making a surge of pleasure run through me.

"Yeah baby." I responded. I thought about that question everyday. I needed to know if she would want to be a mother to my child, but I also knew that was a lot to ask. She pushed off my lap and stood up. Dread began to fill me at the distance she put between us. I saw her eyes flicker down to the tent in my sweatpants and the desire that filled her eyes.

"Sorry. I wouldn't be able to say what I need to distracted by," her voice faded back as she gestured to my erection. I smirked, relieved that's what she had backed away.

"My cock." I finished for her and she bit her bottoms lip at my words. Her nipples had grown her through her tank and my mouth watered.  I looked up at her face so that I didn't get distracted. She began to wring hands and pace in front of me.

"So at the hospital, when I met Harmony, I fell in love with her. The thought if her being apart of my life brought me so much joy. But then I saw how she interacted with Kyle and how the three of you interacted together and I guess I just thought maybe I wouldn't fit." She said the last words in a whisper.

My brow furrowed and I stood to my feet. "Wouldn't fit?" I asked, confused by her words.

"Sometimes I feel like a third wheel and I didn't think I could be in a committed relationship if I didn't fell like I had a role in it." She said, fresh tears coming to her eyes. I closed the distance and cupped her face in my hands.

"Oh, baby," I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You fit so perfectly into my life that if you ever left, I would fall apart. When you ran away, I couldn't function, and if it wasn't for Kyle, I wouldn't have made it at all. We're all new to navigating this relationship with three people, and if we don't communicate, how would I know how you feel about certain things? I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you aren't as important to me as Kyle." I wiped her tears away with my thumbs, and she nodded, understanding in her eyes.

"I want to be the mother Harmony deserves," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "I want to be the mother of all the kids we have as a family. It's all I could really think about when it comes to the future. I didn't have a mom growing up, and I know how hard that is. I would never want Harmony to experience the rest of her life without one."

I smiled, touched by her words, she would be a wonderful mother, because even with all the confusion the last few weeks she has already been the person Harmony needed.

"I just want you to know, that Harmony already considers you her mother. She refers to you as Mama even tho I told her we needed to make sure it was okay with you first." I told her. The looked of joy that filled Ebony's face made my heart so happy. Carmen never once exhibited this type of happiness when it came to Harmony and that always hurt so much.

"I told her that I haven't talked to you about it yet and my 5 year old going on 15 told me 'what's there to talk about? Anyone who treats me as well as Ebony does loves me more than words can express.' She knows how much you love her she's just waiting for you to tell her." I told her. Ebony wrapped her arms around me and jumped in excitement. She pulled back and kissed me hard and then a few soft kisses that made me melt.

"Oh my God." She squealed. "I have to call her now." She pulled away from me and went looking for her phone. I smiled.

"Baby." I called after her. She stopped and looked at me. "Harmony is at dinner. We can call her before bed." Her shoulders sagged slightly but she nodded reluctantly. I went to her and pulled her in my arms.

"I don't want her to go another second without knowing how much I care about her," she said, her voice muffled against my chest. Her words struck a chord deep within me, and I couldn't hold back my tears. I held her tighter, feeling a surge of emotion. My daughter would finally have the love she deserved, and I felt, for the first time in years, like I had actually done something right.

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