Chapter 15- Leon

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I woke up almost frantically feeling uneasy. Ebony was tucked nicely against my body. Her ass pressed deliciously against my cock. I reached over her but felt nothing. I lifted my head and saw that the other side of the bed was empty. I sighed. I slid away from Ebony and tucked her in snug. She was sleeping soundly. I placed a kiss on her neck then her cheek. I didn't want to leave her in bed alone but I needed to find Kyle. I checked the time on my phone. 3:30 am.

I headed out the room after slipping on some boxers I checked upstairs first but when I didn't find him I headed downstairs. I soon as I got downstairs I saw him sitting at the kitchen counter drinking wine. It looked as if he cleaned up the table and kitchen from last night.

"Hey baby." I said softly walking over to him. His shoulders were tense and his head bowed but as I came closer I noticed his shoulders relaxed. He turned in his seat and looked at me. His blue eyes were cloudy and his face showed concern.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him going over and stepping between his legs. I noticed his phone next to his glass of wine. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer placing a kiss on my chest. I loved touching him, I never really was a physical touch kind of guy but whenever I'm around him or Ebony all I want to do is touch them.

"Andy called me. They are spending the holidays in Greece. Kennedy had a panic attack in the airport. One of our ex partners right before thanksgiving broke into her house and vandalized her apartment and sent her to the ER with a concussion. They haven't been able to find him. But she thinks she saw him at the airport in Greece but they didn't see him on the camera. I'm just worried. Weldon seems to have a vendetta against Andy and Parker and maybe Dante. I fucking want to help but asides from calling some connections about security I can't do much else I can do and it's fucking irritating." He said softly, the concern evident on his face.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me. One thing I am learning about this man is that he cares deeply family and I know Parker and Dante are like brothers to him. He sighed deeply into my chest pulling me tighter. I felt warmth sliding down my chest and by the sniffles coming from him I realized he is crying.

"Baby, I'll call my connections to see what I can do, but I know your exhausted so the best thing for you to do right now if rest so that you will be clearheaded in the morning." I said into his hair. He smelled like warm honey and vanilla I almost moaned. Now was not the time to be getting aroused again. I felt his soft tongue on my chest licking his tears away. Damn, I was trying to comfort this man and now he's making it impossible. His tongue hit my nipple and I groaned.

"What the fuck are you doing baby?" I asked softly or at least tried to, my voice sounded very gruff.

"I need you." He whispered against my skin. I pulled him back and cupped his still wet cheeks in my hands as softly as I could. I lowered my lips to his and he groaned. His tongue stroked mine and I slid my hands down his neck. He stood into me and backed me against the counter. Our kiss was hot and heavy until we broke apart our foreheads touching as we looked in each others eyes.

"Leon I..." he paused and closed his eyes. "Fuck." He groaned out and pressed his lips to mine again.

"Leon, Kyle. Is everything okay?" The sweet as fuck voice of Ebony broke our kiss. Kyle turned to face the sleepy looking Ebony. I wanted to go, pick her up and carry her back to bed but refrained. Kyle walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Yes sweet girl. Everything's okay, I just got a phone call I had to handle. We are about to go back to bed." He told her kissing the top of her head. She nodded into his chest seeming to almost be half asleep. Kyle bent and scooped her up then turned to face me. "Let's go back to bed." He said softly. I didn't miss the look that flashed through his eyes. He wanted to tell me something but for some reason he was having a hard time.

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