Chapter 40- Leon

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The next week was a blur. I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital for a week so Kyle escorted Harmony to school along with my parents. We all would go up and visit as soon as we got things settled here. Ebony had grown quiet over the next couple days. Only talking when I directly asked her stuff.

I could tell the guilt from accident was eating her up and she decided not to talk about it. I let her stew in her head for a few days the pain meds didn't give me a clear head all the time and I wanted to have this conversation at home when both of us were not on pain meds.

It was finally time to go home after being in a cramped hospital room for 10 days. Ebony's back had healed up enough that she didn't need to be rebandaged every 5 hours. Now just once a day. The next two weeks Kyle and I had to play catchup with work. Andy had talked to us about needing all hands on deck before we left for Europe especially since he was in the process of planning a surprise wedding for his partners.

Kennedy and I worked closely together and we became very close. She was an amazing woman and smarter than anyone I've met at her age. I also recently found out she has a photographic memory like Harmony. When I confronted her about it she just said she's just good at remembering things but it definitely was more than that.

Ebony was coming to the office today to have lunch with Kyle and I. We still kept our relationship a secret for the most part. We decided to until after Andy's wedding. Only the personal security at our house, Grayson and Linda knew, well and my family.

I headed to Kyle's office knocking before entering. His head was down as he was concentrating with a pinched up face at some papers.

"Hey love." I said softly. His head shot up and he looked at me. A smiled smoothed out his face as he stood and walked over to me. Our lips met in an instant as he wrapped his arms around me. I was hella horny but there had been something keeping us all from having sex. We all got up at separate times and went to bed at separate times. It's was like our lives were all different now.

He pulled back and smiled, I saw the heat in his eyes but he turned back to his desk before I could read more into that.

"I have some news." He said. I nodded going to sit in front of him. He shuffled some papers around. "You know the fifth floor that had mostly been used for random storage?" He asked. I nodded again. It was strange to me that the floor had no offices on it when I had accidentally went there one day.

"I was talking to Andy and we came up with an idea. We currently have 17 employees at this location with children under the school age. We have 10 employees expecting and I know Dale and Maddie are in the process of trying to adopt. If we total up all the children, including after school age there are 106 from the age of newborn to 18." He said. I furrowed my brows not sure where he was getting at but let him continue.

"Andy expressed his desire to have the 5th floor turned into something useful. A few employees he has talked to have expressed concern in the fact that they have struggled finding suitable childcare especially for the days where they work late. And now I think we have a solution." There was a knock on the door that made him pause. He stood and walked over to it. Ebony stood on the other side a small smile on her face.

"Hey baby girl." He said pulling her into his arms. It was hard to hold her because her back was still sore so Kyle wrapped his arms around her shoulders. I stood as I watched them. She wasn't as cold to Kyle as she was to me. I know the fact that I was stabbed and had a daughter really bothered her. She's mentioned in the past that her parents died when she was little and only had a great aunt. I think the incident triggered some hidden trauma.

Kyle led her over to me and I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips reaching up and pulling her towards me by putting a hand on the back of her neck. She moaned softly as I deepened the kiss. And pleasure rolled through me at the sound. I broke the kiss and smiled down at her. The tight lipped smile she returned broke my heart.

"I'm glad you came a little early Ebony. I was just filling Leon in about this new endeavor the company is about to take on." Kyle said returning to his seat, all business again. We both sat and faced him. I reached for her hand because I needed to touch her. She let me hold her hand and I was relieved. Kyle recapped what he told me before pushing forward.

"Ebony, because we already have you contracted to our company we wanted you to be the first to have the opportunity to take on the role as director of this project. The pay would be a lot more than before, you'll get all the benefits of a full time Restaurant Inc employee and you will have access to the funds set aside to get this up and running. Once it's up and running we would like you to sign as a permanent employee of the company. You would only answer to Andy and myself but you would have full control over the program." He finished and sat back and waited for her.

I looked over at her, this was exciting. I knew she would want to find a job even though we told her we would provide for her. I could tell she wasn't that sure about basically just being a housewife.

"Wow. I don't know what to say. I would love that." She said sounding shocked.

"That's great baby. We will have a contract in your email by the end of the day. Dante and Parker are available to go over it with you anytime this week as lawyers or if you want to retain a lawyer outside of the company that understandable as well. This is your career and we take it very seriously." He added. She nodded.

"I'm okay with Dante or Parker. I know they are some of the best lawyers in the country." She said with a small nod. Kyle gave a satisfied nod and shifted out of CEO mode standing.

"Great, I made reservations for a restaurant in 45 mins. I didn't want to eat in the office today." He said coming around his desk. His phone rang and he looked down at it and cursed.

"Damn, I have to take this. Leon, can you show Ebony the 5th floor and I'll meet you down there as soon as I'm done with this call?" He asked, I nodded and stood. She followed suit and followed me out of the office. She was wearing a gorgeous grey twill set with a corset top and matching high waisted pants and a coat that fell just to her shins. She carried a large black purse and had matching stiletto boot heels.

"You look amazing by the way

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"You look amazing by the way." I told her closing the door behind me. She smiled softly.

"Thank you. I felt like I needed new clothes. All mine were nanny clothes and everyone around here dresses so nice." She said softly. I smiled.

"I bought most of my suits before I moved here. I've always been extremely casual asides from a chefs coat." I told her and she giggled.

"Chefs coats are sexy." She said side eyeing me.

"Hmmm I'll remember that the next time I'm cooking at home." I tell her walking a little closer to her. As we past Kennedy's door on the way to the elevator it swung open and she rushed out arms full of paper almost plowing right into Ebony. She paused and looked between us before a beautiful bright smile lit up her face.

"Oh my gosh you must be Ebony." Kennedy exclaimed sticking out her hand. Ebony shook it. "I've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you." Kennedy turned to me.

"Leon could you be a dear and let me use your printer. Mine fucking jammed and I don't have time to wait for support." I nodded. "Oh thank you so much. You're the best.  I'll have to catch up with you guys later I'm so behind on these menus for a presentation I'm doing in an hour."

She skirted off towards my office.

"Umm, was that Kennedy?" Ebony asked. I looked at her.

"Yeah. She's usually not that frazzled." I said chuckling. I watched Ebony's eyes follow her soaking up her appearance.

"I don't know, I didn't expect her to be so exotic." She said almost in a whisper.

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