Chapter 2- Kyle

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I gave Leon a tour of the partners floor and showed him where his office would be. It was awkward, and I didn't get awkward around people. There was something about him that made me nervous. Even though we had many phone meetings with Andy. We even had our flights booked to start our European tour after the holidays.

He was too attractive and that threw me off guard. When we shook hands I noticed something flicker in his eyes and my hand was tingling. I tried to not check out his body but fucking hell he was hot. I don't think I ever really considered a man hot in a way that made me want to claim him. Yet I knew a small part of me knew I may lean towards the bisexual side. Andy's relationship with Dante and Parker, his boyfriends, opened my eyes to the idea of not giving a fuck about who I like whether male or female.

The thing was I never really like anyone. I've dated, mostly women, I never really was attracted to fem males. I have no issues with it. I believe everyone can identify the way they choose and feel comfortable with but they just weren't my type. So I stuck with females, yet I was so disappointed. I wanted a true emotion connection and a sexual one and have come up short on all fronts.

But this man, this gorgeous man, I wanted him but something in me just knew it wouldn't happen. I was able to remain professional through the day surrounded by his masculine aura and intoxicating scent. Dark amber wood and aged whiskey. Every time he walked near me or leaned closer I wanted to close my eyes and inhale his scent.

I had to find my sister. Fuck me. I needed to clear my head.
Leon left long enough for me to take a decent break and a breath of fucking air. I bursted into my twin sister, Maddie's office to find her eating Chinese takeout with her feet up.

"I knew you would make an appearance brother." She grinned. Her beautiful smile already calming me. Twin connection was real in ways I can't even describe. But no matter what we always had each others backs.

"Sis, I'm feeling off balanced today." I told her as she slid another container of food my way. She always knows when I'll show up.

"Brother, is it because of that gorgeous specimen of a man that has started working here?" She asked around a mouth full of food. We may be in our thirties but when it's just the two of us she has no manners. I snort at her.

"You're gross. And yes." I say briefly. She knows about my attraction to men and women. She keeps all my secrets, but always knows before I tell her.

"As long as it's not a hookup." She replies. That was the rule here. If we want to be with a coworker it could not be a one night stand. "I thought for sure Kennedy would be for you but they their hands on her before you even met."

Kennedy was my brothers new girlfriend. It happened almost instantly. I saw the attraction and sexual pull they had on each other the first day I met her. She was gorgeous, but I never once felt that same attraction towards her.

"Even if they hadn't. I wasn't interested in being involved with her." I told her taking a bite of the chicken lo mein. She smiled.

"But Leon has your dick hard?" I choked on my food. Maddie had no filter when it was just the two of us yet it always surprised me how much she could catch me off guard. She giggled. "It's okay, aside from the fact I think he's straight."

"Yeah I think so too. But to everyone else so am I." I say. "We will be spending a good six months together. Just us, traveling across Europe, I don't know what's going to happen."

"Do you want something to happen?" She asked. I thought about it. It's been over three years since I've attempted any type of relationship. I'm ready to settle down and stop with the meaningless flings.

But with a guy? I don't know.

"I don't know. I haven't dated in so long I don't even know what to do?"

"Spoil the hell out of him. Make him feel special and wanted. Make he feel cared for. Listen to him when he needs an ear, tease him with wanting more, if he wants you, he'll come." She said, standing and looking at her watch. "I have a meeting in 10 but come over tonight for dinner. I'll invite Leon. Let's feel him out together." I nodded following suit with my food and heading out. Leon was standing outside my office when I got back. He had a anxious look on his face that made me pause.

"You okay?" I asked opening the door and ushering him in. I leaned in some as he walked by me and inhaled his scent. So fucking intoxicating.

"No actually. I just got a call from my mother. She said she's not able to take Harmony while I'm in Europe, so I'm not sure what to do. My ex is somewhere in the middle of the ocean and I don't have any other family."

Maddie's words rang through my head. This was my chance. Make him feel cared for.

"The company will hire someone who can travel with us so you can bring Harmony, you mentioned she was homeschooled?" I asked, placing my food down. His facial expression went from anxious to surprised as he nodded. "I'll have my secretary find some candidates, we can have interviews here. Someone we can both travel with so Harmony can stay with us. All the places rented for our stays overseas are large enough for 10, so fitting four won't be a problem."

"Kyle, that is very generous of you. I don't want to impose. Being around a 5 year old isn't always the easiest. Especially if they aren't yours." He said sighing. I walked over to him and put a hand on his back and leading him to the chair in front of my desk. My hand felt like it was burning, I could feel the hard muscles of his back and my cock twitched. Fuck.

"Leon, you are part of the family now. And you're the only one with a kid, whatever you need just ask. Plus, we have an account specifically for childcare, for the partners. So we can hire someone on permanently. 401k, health benefits, the works, so you can have the best." I told him gesturing for him to sit. I reluctantly removed my hand from his back already missing the feel of him under my hand.

I was shocked at my reaction to him, is this how people move so fast in relationships because, if so I'm screwed.

Discovering Happiness (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora