Chapter 4- Ebony

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I stepped off the private plane and into the cold North Carolina air. It was so weird to me that some rich people knew my boss and wanted someone with my expertise to be a governess of sorts while touring Europe. I couldn't say no, even though my precious babies back in Houston and I had a very serious conversation before I left.

They knew I was looking for a more challenging job. I had been since I graduated in May. It was almost Christmas, it was time.

There was a sleek black SUV pulling up to the plane as I stepped off. I only packed a small weekend bag since I didn't know if I would actually get the job. I placed my bag on the ground as a tall gorgeous man got out of the vehicle. My breath left my body as he walked towards me a pleasant smile on his face. I was 5'8 on a good day and he was slightly taller, probably 6 feet as he stopped in front of me. He had an expensive looking tailored to perfection suit on that made me look straight off a runway. Dark wavy hair and a low cut beard with patched of white that had my mind wondering how it would feel against my skin. He probably was 10-15 years older than me and I immediately crossed my legs to stop the rush of need I felt.

Gosh I was so embarrassed and I'm sure my mouth was open and drool running down my face. I touched my face to check and luckily I wasn't.

"Hi. You must be Ms. Thompson. I'm Kyle Davis one of the CEOs of Restaurant INC." he said extending his hand. The fucking CEO came to pick me up? Either this wasn't as rich of a company as I thought or this man just didn't know how to delegate.

"Hi. Um please you can call me Ebony." I told him. His eyebrows raised at my voice. Most people aren't expecting the soft raspy tone that apparently turn men on late at night. That is how I paid my way through most of college. Men pay a lot of money to have the companion of a sexy sounding female to act out their deepest desires over the phone when no one else is around.

Kyle however seemed to be surprised but unaffected.

"Okay Ebony it is. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice." He came closer and reached down to pick up my bag. "Let's get you to the hotel. You must be tired." He scent wafted over me he smelled like amber musk and vanilla. I leaned in and inhaled deeply as I followed him to the car. Gosh after being around kids all the time being around a real man was intoxicating.

He opened the passenger door for me and took my hand to help me in. A real gentleman I couldn't believe it. He got in the car and sent a text off before pulling away. It was 9:30pm here and the darkness in the car was appreciated since my leg was bouncing in nervousness.

"Tell me about yourself? If Leon decides to hire you the three of us and Harmony his daughter will be traveling together for 6 months. I don't want you to be nervous around us." He said the deep tenor of his words making me feel warm.

"Well, I was born and raised in Texas, I was raised by my great aunt who passed away 5 years ago. My parents died in a car accident when I was 2. She was good to me, no kids of her own. She was a special education teacher and I wanted to be just like her. She told me there were not a lot of people who specialized in working with kids who excelled in learning so my specialty is accelerated leaning. I started working for the Mayor when I started my masters, she was a friend of one of my professors. And now I'm here."  I told him.

"It's always amazing to find someone perfectly matched for the type of job you offer. I'm sorry about your parents. I lost mine too in a car accident while they were galavanting around Africa when I was in college. My brother and twin sister and I had been raised by my grandparents because my parents only came home for Christmas. It was like I didn't even know them." He said softly. I felt for him, it would have been much harder I think to have parents but then not be in your life than my situation.

"But we have built a family at Restaurant Inc. A lot of us don't have families so we have each other. I think you'll fit right in." He said as if he wasn't the CEO and me just a glorified Nanny.

"Aren't you the CEO? I'll just doing childcare." I said, he looked over at me and smiled.

"You'll be touring Europe with Leon and I. We'll be working a lot but also exploring. We have to have work life balance and so do you." He said turning his eyes back to the road. The way he said Leon and I made me pause. Were they a couple? I sighed inwardly. The good ones are always gay.

We spent the rest of the trip making casual small talk until we pulled up to a fancy skyscraper looking hotel which seemed to be in the heart of downtown. Kyle came around and opened my door taking my hand and helping me out. My fingers tingled from the soft touch of his smooth hands. His big hands that I immediately wished were touching other places. I blinked slipping my hand out of his as soon as I had both feet firmly on the ground.

Movement behind Kyle caught my attention as a slightly older man who was tall with caramel skin dark eyes, dark messy hair and a body of a god walked towards us. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a slim fitting long sleeve shirt. I exhaled slowly surprised at how aware my body was to Kyle standing so close to me and this gorgeous man striding towards us.

Kyle turned and watched the man approach. Felt him stiffened since he was standing so close. I looked up at him and saw what to me looked like pure sexual need in his eyes as he watched the man and my mouth dropped open. I looked back at the man who was almost to us and his eyes were glued to Kyle.

"Kyle. Sorry I was in the gym when I got your text." The man said. Up close he was even more attractive and his body was riddled with muscle that were trying to tear his shirt open. I realized I recognized this man. He was usually dressed impeccably with neatly combed hair. Leon Anthony he was a famous chef and I've seen him on the food network.

"You're Leon Anthony." I bursted out. His pretty brown eyes left Kyle's face and landed on me. The full force of his gaze had my heart fluttering. Holy shitballs, even in gym clothes he was one of the beautiful men I've ever seen well, asides from Kyle that is.

"You must be Ebony Thompson." He said his voice was sexy as fuck, deep and dripping with honey. My panties were ruined.

He held his hand out and I reached up to take it. He was a bit taller than Kyle and his hand was large and it swallowed mine.

"It's nice to meet you. I appreciate you coming on such short notice." He said slowly. His words made me feel warm all over and this reaction was very unlike me. Did he say coming or...

I shook my head shaking myself from this trance these men have me in. Kyle was pressed close to me and Leon was standing close enough for me to smell his amazing scent. Working out my ass.

"I trust you can get her settled Leon and I'll meet you both at the office in the morning." Kyle said placing a gentle hand on my lower back, my skin immediately feeling warm at his touch, while handing my bag off to Leon. I was hefting that bag around because it was heavy but these men were passing it around like it weighed nothing.

I wonder what else they could pass around like it weighed nothing.

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