Chapter 43- Leon

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Car sex wasn't my thing. It was cramped always had to be fast and rushed but honestly after today I would say it's made it a little higher on my list. I had a feeling from the pure lust that filled Kyle's eyes when Ebony asked to go home we would be right where we are now. What I didn't know is that it would be this erotic.

I watched his face as she took almost every inch of his cock down her throat. It wasn't lust I was seeing anymore but pure adoration. I knew he was having a hard time with the distance she had created and in turn it had effected his relationship with me. He still kissed me and cuddled with me in bed but he had been quiet and emotionally distant from me.

I still needed to have my talk with Ebony but I was letting them have this moment because they needed it. I needed it too. Kyle's eyes met mine again and he smiled the look of euphoria clear in his face. I smiled at him as I pumped into Ebony. Even after taking his large cock she was still so tight I placed my hands on the side of her hips and pounded harder looking down at her.

She had a large bandage over her back and the most random pang of jealousy went through me. Who helped her put this bandage on?

There was no way she could apply it so well on her own and the only people here were our security guards. My mind came back to the present as she began to pulse and cum all over my cock. I slowed my thrust and enjoyed the feeling even though my mind was now rolling with the idea that another man touched her.

When she came down from her high I realized that we were in the garage at home, I'm not even sure for how long. Rocco seemed to have disappeared which was good because I was feeling overprotective at the moment and maybe a bit feral. I wasn't going to ruin the moment for Kyle and Ebony but we were going to have a talk about this later.

Kyle pulled Ebony up off the floor and onto his lap kissing her. I was glad to see them like this but that feeling of unease hadn't quite left me yet. Ebony reached back for me and pulled me towards them. I sat next to Kyle and kissed them each in turn. Kyle read me so easily and gave me a look of confusion when we broke the kiss but I averted my eyes. This was his moment and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Let's go inside." I said softly pulling away and going to open the car. Kyle removed his suit jacket and covered Ebony just in case. I grabbed our food after they exited the car and followed them inside leaving the door open to air out the sex smell.

Kyle carried Ebony right upstairs but I stayed back. I wanted to join them but I needed to talk to Rocco. I looked down at myself to see if I was presentable, I quickly washed my hands before heading outside. I don't think Rocco would have touched her but the other guy. He was new, only being around since after the hospital.

I walked into the security room that was converted to find Rocco lifting weights and the other guy watching the cameras. Rocco stood when he saw me, I couldn't tell if he knew what we were doing in the back seat but I'm sure he did.

I looked at the other guy who didn't even acknowledge I was there.

"What can I do for you Mr. Anthony?" Rocco asked. He was a man of few words so every time I heard him talk it surprised me how thick his accent was.

"I was just wondering if Ebony came to talk to you guys this morning?" I asked. Rocco's brow furrowed.

"No sir. I didn't see her today until it was time to take her to the big building. My shift starts at 10. Conner was here before me. And Chris works until 4." Rocco said gesturing to the man that still refused to acknowledge I was there. The man finally spun in his chair looking at me. He had a cocky expression on his face that pissed the hell out of me.

He stood. "Yeah, she came in this morning asked me to change her bandage. I've been doing it for awhile now." The look on Rocco's face was probably how I was feeling.

Discovering Happiness (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz