Chapter 42- Kyle

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I studied Ebony as we headed to the restaurant. She was in awe of the car but I also feel like she was nervous about something. I think I caught them in a serious conversation before I interrupted them. I glanced at Leon and saw him studying her intently. He flickered his eyes to me and gave me a tight lipped smile. He was just as concerned as I was.

I planned on bringing it up over lunch. After this morning when we woke up to find her asleep in another room I was fucking pissed. She claimed she was using the closet and sat on the bed and accidentally fell asleep. But I definitely called bullshit on that. Mostly because we all went to bed together so I don't even know how she thought I would believe that. She was doing everything in her power to be distance and I was sick of it. I know Leon was too, so I planned this lunch that I made sure she couldn't get out of.

I purposely called ahead and bought out a large section of the dining room for privacy not just because of our conversation but also Leon was a celebrity and over the past few weeks he's been recognized almost everywhere we go. This particular restaurant doesn't have a private dining area but it's one of my favorites. We rarely eat out because Leon loves cooking but we also end up having sex whenever we are home and today I needed us to stay on track.

It was a little past the normal lunch time but still the restaurant had a good crowd. We were able to be seated in a corner where no one could see us. It was a booth so naturally we sat Ebony in the middle. We exchanged some small talk before ordering.

"You look beautiful today." I told her. She smiled politely with a small thanks. Leon and I looked at each other briefly. Our relationship with each other has been weird to say the least. Not because I'm not crazy for him, just because it's weird when we are intimate and Ebony wants to not be with us. We both end up stopping because our minds are on her.

"So I'm curious to know what's going on?" I started once we got our drinks and appetizers. She paused from bringing her fork to her mouth.

"What do you mean?" She said softly. I silently took a deep breath because this woman wasn't going to make this easy.

"Since the hospital, you haven't let us touch you. I haven't even seen you naked. I'm not even sure who helps you with your bandages because you don't let us. It's extremely confusing and frustrating that you have pulled away from us almost completely." I paused making sure I kept my tone from getting too loud. Her eyes began to fill with tears.  I reached out and take her hand.

"You went through something extremely traumatic and you are dealing with the aftermath all alone. You don't have to be. We are here for you. We want to be here for you. But we can't if you push us away." I added. I reached up and wiped the tear that began to roll down her face away. Leon's leg began bouncing nervously as we waited for Ebony to say something.

We sat in silence longer than was comfortable but I didn't want to push her. She seems so conflicted.

"I haven't let you touch me because I'm not comfortable in my own skin anymore. I have an ugly fucking scar that covers my back and it's..." she paused choking on her words. Leon takes her other hand scooting closer to her. "It just makes me feel so unattractive. I'm with two of the hottest men in the world and I'm mangled." She finishes lowering her eyes to her lap.

I had no idea she was feeling this way and it broke my heart. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever met and for her to be feeling so low about her appearance was a serious matter.

"Neither of you have initiated anything physical with me and it makes me feel even worse." She added so low I almost didn't catch it.

"Baby, I'm so sorry if you have felt rejected by me. I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you heal." Leon said moving even closer so that their body's were touching. "We haven't been physical without you baby because you are apart of this relationship and it feels wrong to be able to enjoy each other if all of us cannot be a part of it."

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